Too much Written Narration?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Narration Too much Written Narration?

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  • kscrapperw

    Just geting started this week with Module 1.

    For the 7th grader and the 5th grader I was intending on having them do written anrrations everyday on Genesis.  (This might get a little drab, doing it everyday)? Also, if I am having the 7th grader read Adam and His Kin, on her own, what would you do about narration? Not another written one? Maybe oral….? I know there are different narration ideas (I have them printed out). But wondering what the goal is, written narration on everybook read?

    Then I guess I am thinking about science Apologia-Human Body) 4x a week. Would you have them (5th and 7th) do written narration on that too?

    Thanks so much



    You should continue regular oral narrations while gradually increasing written. This year with my 11yos, I plan to have him do one written narration a week, working up to 2-3 per week by the end of the year. Others may have children who can handle more,than that but I know it would stress him to no end. He’s a good narrator so I want to keep the flow of ideas coming easily without adding the mechanics of writing too much too soon. All other narrations will be oral. Even in high school, students should still be doing some narrations orally.

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