Anyone else use these books and really like them? I haven’t received them yet, but I ordered four levels. My kids are learning latin also (Prima Latina and Christiana) and they get some grammar contained in that. I tried Primary and Intermediate Language Lessons, but I wanted something more colorful.
I really like the idea that they are workbooks. I get tired of papers strewn from one end of my house to the other and the books seem like they will be pretty enough to save for memories.
I have been on the WTM board and they did not get very good reviews, but that philosophy is really not CM friendly anyway. They seem to have very heavy workloads for young children and they complained that the Queen’s books were too light.
If you use the Queen’s language books how is it going?
I look forward to hearing more about it also. I am considering them instead of using what we are right now. We are using Easy Grammar. I really like EG but would like something that adds in the other LA aspects.
My kids are enjoying these books so far. this is are first year of using the CM approuch and I have 2 highschoolers using queens language arts books and 3 elementry. they seem to like the laid back format and variations of copy work, picture study and narraion. I like it also with the younger ones compared to anything else we have done this is easier for me to help with and just more fun. :0) I use some of her other stuff too.
My kids really enjoy these books. They don’t complain about doing grammar. There’s alot of variety. The creative writing opportunities are great. And it is self guided, though I discovered that I must check one son’s work in particular as he doesn’t always follow directions. But overall, they were what I was looking for.
I use Lang Lessons for the Very Young 2 with dd8 and Lang Lessons for Little Ones with ds4 – all of us love these. My 4yo especially has really responded to these lessons. In fact, I just got out the book to check the title before typing this and he saw it on the table and now is prancing around singing the ABCs and asking to ‘do my little boy book, please’ (he calls it that because it has a picture of a little boy on the cover.) I know CM did not advocate lessons for little ones, but he wants to do what we are doing. These lessons are not twaddle – like alot of preschool stuff is.
One thing in particular – before, I thought I was doing ‘short lessons’ – these books really drive home how short a short lesson should be! But they work for us. All my kids really want to do is play, so we just do these short, concentrated lessons and get down to their real work, play.
I also enjoy the workbook style – I have found that the further we go in CM the less papers are floating around, and it is nice.
We use Queens and love it. My children love the short lessons and the fact that when things are going well they will do like 2 or 3 lessons just because they are “easy” as they say. The only thing that for me (I am not a grammer major or even close) is as they get older I am hoping there are some answers for parts? :- yikes
These are my favorite grammer by far that I have seen.