To many for Bible time? in yr 1

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    We are in YR 1 and will be starting next Monday. We will be doing Bible time following the Genesis to Deuteronomy and Ancient Egypt guide from SCM. Last year for our Bible study time we used Bible Treasures K Genesis to Ruth from Christian Liberty ( ) We enjoyed Very much. This year I was wanting to use the next Bible study book Bible Treasures 1 Samuel to Malachi. It typically takes about 5-10 minutes to read through and discuss if needed/wanted. I also have Leading Little Ones to God, I would do this once a week. I like to start our school time with family Bible study each day.

    Is this too much?? Should I cut one of these out?

    We were looking forward to the next Bible Treasures book but when I write out all the resources for Bible it seems like a lot.


    Since you enjoyed what you did last year, I would just keep going with that. If that means letting go of Gen-Deut, so be it. It sounds like you covered that last year. Don’t worry about the Bible portion lining up perfectly with geography and history portions, just go with what works in your home.
    We are in our third term of Year 1. First term we did Genesis, but then we needed to switch to the Year 2 Bible portion, as we had already studied Ex-Deut.


    I like to schedule one (longer) Bible reading per day…although sometimes we read a bit more for a science or history lesson.  We also do hymn study and memory work, as well as a short family devotion in the evening.

    One idea:  I’m guessing your DC are on the younger side?  What if you used a children’s Bible for the history readings and did the Bible Treasures program for your Bible study.  I don’t think that would be too much.  I just remember some of the Gen-Deut. readings getting to be pretty long and my DC were a bit older at the time.  If your oldest is 6, a Children’s Bible would be a great option.

    Leading Little Ones to God could even be scheduled in the evenings or on a weekend.  Or you could do it in place of Bible Treasures once a week.


    HollyS- Yes my children are 6 and 3. I like your suggestion. Although we have started reading small passages in the KJV, my oldest says it sounds fancy :),  I do not think the kiddos would be able to sit through long readings, and I know we have a some Bible readings for science and another subject I can’t recall right now. I will see if any of their children’s Bible’s will do the job. I think thats a much better alternative. Thank you


    We (my 7-year-old son and I) do “family Bible study” at the breakfast table, “Bible story” at bedtime, and “Bible history” for school.  It doesn’t feel like too much.

    Family Bible study is usually a short topical reading/discussion like Leading Little Ones to God, or going through verses on a particular character trait, etc. plus Scripture memory and singing.  I want to instill in my son the habit/importance of daily family worship time (not tied to school). We just stay at the table after eating (before cleaning up) for our Bible study time.

    For bedtime Bible story, we constantly cycle through his children’s Bible (in addition to other bedtime stories and poetry, etc.).  This way he is getting the whole Bible story in a little less than a year and it continues over and over again.  Even when I am working, the babysitter or my mom reads the bedtime Bible story to him.  I’m not sure how our nighttime routine will evolve as he gets older, and perhaps this will somehow transition into his own personal Bible study time, but I don’t have to worry about that for a while.

    We do “Bible history” as a school subject about 3 times a week (5-10 minutes each time). We are doing the Picture Smart Bible for K-3 and I have figured out a rough schedule to make it last 3 years to get through the whole Bible, after which we will do the entire Bible again at the 4+ level in another 3 years, after which we will pick up the SCM layout and get through the whole Bible in 6 years.  Well, that’s the plan for now at least 🙂


    After I read this I realized we do have multiple Bible times throughout the day. I like to start the day with Bible but we also have our time before bed, which has been very fruitful for my DD6, so really adding Bible as History won’t be huge but I do think the idea to go with a good children’s Bible would do well.

    Does anyone have any suggestion for a quality children’s Bible?  Currently we are using The Big Picture Interactive Bible Story Book.


    We use The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Vos.  I initially ordered it because it was recommended on the SCM curriculum list, and feel that it is a real jewel!  I love it because it contains a lot of stories and details that many other children’s Bibles don’t cover (including plenty of stories that many adults aren’t familiar with), yet is written in a very conversational manner (living book style writing).  I also appreciate how it explains the stories of Hagar, Bilhah and Zilpah, Bathsheeba, etc.


    Thank you! I will check it out. I think I have gained understanding of my KJV through reading with my children their Bibles and doing their Bible study together so I appreciate the idea of a children’s Bible that covers Bible accounts not typically covered.

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