to join hs group or not

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  • nerakr


    I’m having trouble deciding whether to join our area homeschool group or not. Here’s what I see as pros:

    (1) Dues are only $25 a year

    (2) Have regular skating and bowling outings and play days at a local park

    (3) Will let me know when someone’s planning a field trip

    (4) Offers some classes through an area church (45 min drive for me, though)–could be pro or con

    (5) When the dc are older, they could be in Jr. Civitan, mock court, math competitions, cross country, yearbook staff, graduation, science fair, spelling bee


    (1) Their co-op classes are classical model;

    (2) Their Keepers Club won’t fit our schedule. Currently don’t have a leader for the boys’ version, which is what I would need this year anyway (dd is only 2);

    (3) Most activities (not just the field trips) would be in another town

    I guess I just need help deciding. The distance factor would be the biggest con for me, since my children are small and my time is limited on some days because I have a part-time job.




    I forgot to mention that I wouldn’t have to leave my hometown for music and art lessons if dc were interested, 4H, or Cub Scouts. (Don’t know if I want dd in Girl Scouts). It would be nice to have group outings, though.

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