I’m contemplating enrolling my son in an umbrella school mostly because I like the idea of not having the county (we live in Florida) involved in our homeschooling. That being said, I’m leery of the fact that my child’s personal information will be sitting in a file inside someone’s home. I’m wondering if any of you have your children enrolled in an umbrella school and what your experience has been. Also, for those who are tied to their county, how do you go about providing a portfolio at the end of the year, especially in the early years when it’s mostly reading?
It is my understanding that you do not need to provide the county with a portfolio, just have it on hand if they request it. I started Y1 with my granddaughter two weeks ago and plan on using writing samples from copywork, math papers, map work (from Visit to Africa), and a list of books used for any other “subjects”. Oh, and pictures from our outside activities like the homeschool nature classes our local state preserve holds and any field trips we take.
I’m sure missceegee can give us newbies a few pointers for portfolios. 🙂
What Amanda described is what I collect throughout the year, as well. CM seems to not leave a “paper trail” but if you have your student draw their narrations, field trip adventures, life skill activities, etc., you’ll have plenty. If you have math sheets, photos of cooking/cleaning/sports-related activities, music, copywork, lists of books read, map drills, salt-dough maps (photos), animal care, handicrafts, community classes….the list goes on and on, you’ll have a lot to share.
I like the idea of making a portfolio, even though we are still in GA where it is not required. It would be a good thing for me to hand over to inquisitive family members who ask if I am “really” doing any work with my son. =)
When we were in TN temporarily, we needed an umbrella school. We used Homelife Academy. They are so wonderful. I still use them so we can have records kept there and diplomas at the end. (We had an issue getting scholarship money without a diploma) I would highly recommend them. I believe they cover FL’s requirements as well as TN. They are extremely helpful and easy to use.
Thanks for your input ladies. “srlord” I especially want to thank you for the links you posted. I’ve been praying about this decision because I haven’t had peace about enrolling with the umbrella school, although it was initially what I thought I wanted. The last paragraph in the 2nd link was an answer to my prayer =) Blessings!
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