Tips for getting lots of reading in w/ non-auditory learner?

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  • CandaceC

    Hi there,

    I read this board from time to time, but haven’t logged in or posted in quite awhile!! Anyway, we use a lot of CM’s methods: nature study, composer and artist study, read living books, short lessons, etc.

    Thus far we have done a lot of literature based unit studies (like FIAR) and have loved it!

    However, I’m wanting to “beef” things up for my oldest. She is 7yrs old, but doing mostly 2nd-3rd grade work…and she is WANTING and needing more…but I’m hesitant and curious about what you do with a child who isn’t the best with sitting and listening for long periods of time?

    Hannah reads very well, one of those that taught herself to read at age 4. (no bragging here, my next girl is the opposite! LOL!) But she doesn’t enjoy sitting and listening to me read for long periods of time…She really doesn’t like listening to audio books or things either. Thus far, she reads chapter books on her own, but I really, REALLY want to read TO her at times too!!

    We do read every morning, we start on the couch, have our Bible time, read 1-2 books that go with our unit or study or whatever. Then, we head to the table. But I’d like o start some more with her…

    So, your suggestions??

    Do something with her hands while I read? (what would that be?)

    Break it up a lot more? Only read from 1 thing at a time, then do something else??

    Any other suggestions?

    THANKS for your time!


    Candace, I think you’ve got the answer in breaking things up for her. Also, she is still so little that the amount you are reading sounds like it’s sufficient. It may not feel like much because you are doing it all at once. Doing something with her hands can be helpful as long as it is something she is very familiar with so that you aren’t starting and stopping. Weaving, coloring, easy puzzles come to mind. Just check in with her often to make sure whatever she is doing, she is still able to comprehend the reading. CDs over lunch or in the car can work, letting her select a book for a certain time, some unique narration methods to spice things up…

    I’d really study her to see if her inability to pay attention is because you may be expecting too much from her (speaking from experience here), she is being disobedient, or she’s just ‘had enough’ and is ready for the next thing.



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