What do you use for independently done math drills?
Specifically, something like Calculadders without the cost. I”d like to be able to see results, but I’m not able to sit there with a timer and flashcards everyday.
I don’t know if you’d mind something computer based. We use an excellent free online one is Xtra Math. You can see the student’s progress, and they can do it alone daily, the program tells you when to stop.
I will admit my children are not “delighted” to do it.
There are other online ones like this, such as Sumdog, but often they are more games, whilst the Xtra math is pure math facts till you get it.
I’ve also read about a “gaming device’ called Math Shark, which is available in the US, but I have never seen it or used it.
We have tried it all and calculadder has worked the best for us. We buy the mp3 download and just print it off each day – kind of a pain but worth the trouble. Just my 2 cents!