Time Travelers CD's

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  • amandajhilburn

    Have any of you used these to go along with your history studies? We will be doing Module 6 in the fall and I wondered if this would be a good addition to our reading through the book list.


    Rachel White

    Yes, I’ve used the Explorers one. I will be using all of them. I combine the Time Travelers w/Truthquest guides. I’m not good at thinking up “Activities” for a time period and really didn’t want to go to the trouble of researching to find them! Plus, I dislike unit studies (very un-CM and a burden to me) and these aren’t like those at all.

    I just put in the extra amount of time at the planning stage to get line up the books along with the TT schedule; I use the library for the most part and pre-search for them in our library online; then I keep that list and when we are about 1-2 weeks out, I look at my “library book list”, I put them on hold. Does that make sense?

    So, yes, I like them. Plus, you can combine the BOC or other timeline method, too.

    HTH, Rachel

    We used American Revolution and we did not care for it.  It is a neat idea but my boys do not like cutting and pasting and neither do I.  There was too much prep work for me.


    Hmmm….I was looking for something less paper crafty. I see now that it does not come with the supplies either. I guess it would take a lot of prep work for me to get this together. Thanks for the opinions 🙂


    When these came out for some reason I really wanted to use them.  LOL  Curriculum-envy strikes again!  My oldest two were too old already to benefit from it so I never bought one.  When my 9yo got through  his Middle Ages history earlier than I expected, I decided to try the Explorers one.  I think we’re both enjoying it, but I will probably not use them all again.  I agree, there is a lot of copying, cutting and pasting.  I have Hands and Hearts activity kits (which are FABULOUS by the way, and which are being produced again since the stupid CPSCIA is apparently on hold for now) for American history, and I’m not eager to spend so much time at the computer copying and printing. 

    Also, just as an aside–I think the text is mediocre.  I like Amy Pak and if you like lapbooks, I think this is a good product, but I’d definitely use another text source rather than the ones in the unit. 

    Michelle D


    Here is a site with history craft kits complete with supplies. They have a variety of items. The Egypt kit makes a fruit mummy and a paddle doll. Here is a link – http://handsandhearts.com/



    Ohhhh…..the handsandhearts kits sound like fun! I am looking at the Westward Expansion kit and these crafts are more to our liking….(buffalo tooth neclace, leather pouch, corn husk doll, buffalo horn whistle) Have any of you used these kits before?

    Thanks for this link!



    Yes, Amanda, I mentioned these in my earlier post too, and we’ve used and loved these kits for years.  I have both of the American History kits ready for my 9yo to do now.  The only one I’ve never used is the Chinese one.  I recommend the products–and the Estes family that runs the business–wholeheartedly.


    If I will be using Truthquest’s American History for Young Students II guide and some of the SCM module 6 books which American History kit (hands & hearts)  would be most appropriate? I am thinking the Westward Expansion pack, but I can’t figure out how to see more details on their website. What exactly comes in the kit and how can I see a sample or something?


    I don’t know how to do a sample.  I would think Westward Expansion would work best, but Colonial is fun too.  IMHO, Colonial is more “girl-friendly” and Westward Expansion is a bit more “boy-friendly”   We have enjoyed Westward Expansion more, but then, we have all boys. 

    The kits really include the items necessary, and they are NOT cheesy.  If you need real paints and paintbrushes, you get them.  For the Egyptian paddle doll, you get a wooden paddle, not a piece of cardstock.  You only have to provide things that might spoil (for example, the orange for FruitnKhamen in the Egypt kit) There are also Bible verse memory cards and lovely pages for notebooks. 

    The lists of projects on the website is pretty comprehensive, so that should be a help.  Just choose, IMO, the American history kit that your kids would like the most.


    I think I will go with the Westward Expansion pack. I have a boy and a girl, but she would really like the activities too.

    Thanks so much for all this information. I am getting excited about using our living books and fun projects for history next fall!


    I’m glad I found this post! I was really leaning towards TT cd for next year but I’ve hesitated because I wanted the craft activities but would still have to gather/buy all the supplies.  I did find a resource to buy the panning for gold kit separately for one activity. I know my DD would enjoy the paper crafting but wanted more.  I love that Hands and Hearts kits have most all the needed supplies for each craft.  DD loves crafts and I like having it ready to go! Laughing  I am also looking at the Westward Expansion kit for next years history – I think  my DD will enjoy it a lot.

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