Ohh I hope that you will stay. I feel like I could learn a gret deal from you. A mom with twins that has gone before me in the ways of homeschooling. Also in the ways of the military life.
I know that was going along nicely and then it did get ugly. I was hoping that something that dear to people would not go that way but it did. I should have styed out myself forseeing that it might not go a nice way. I will have to be more careful of what I hit send to and about! This seems like a nice forum..unlike many others. Hopefully it will just be a small bump in an other wise nice forum…it can happen to the best of us.
Linda, I truly hope you won’t leave. That thread was very upsetting to me, as well, but I felt the mods addressed it wisely.
Truth be told, you were one of the only reasons -I- stayed when I first came to this forum and had the poor judgment to jump right into a thread on corporal punishments! Your kind PMs meant so much to me 🙂
I’m praying you stay, too, Linda…even if you need to take a break for a bit. I am such a CM newbie, and I treasure all the advice and open arms on this board. You are a big part of that, Linda!
I also hope you stay! I haven’t spoken much to you personally, probably because your daughters are in high school and I’ve got one in 1st and one in K. But I have read so many of your wise posts, and have gleaned much from them. Thank you for being a model of kindness and gentleness, and I do hope you’ll reconsider your decision.
Linda, I too have been here from the beginning and value your input. I have also valued over the years the mature “adult” tone of the SCM Forum, being responsible in our respectful disagreements, showing discretion, being honest without being rude or using personal attacks and on the otherside not being easily offended by making assumptions, etc; preventing contention. I hope we can continue to maintain that adult communication as the community grows, and I think you are a valuable contributor to maintainig that ‘tone’.
I hope you reconsider and I also hope that we can continue the tradition of respectful disagreement and sometimes holding our “tongues” if necessary. Some posts I intentionally withhold myself (praying for self-control) from writing publicly due to my own passionate convictions; much can be handled through the PM system. I do encourage others to use the PM system if what you say may be considered strongly controversial and you are generally familiar with the person you’re PMing so that you can speak more freely without giving offense.
I think Romans 8:28 can be applied to this situation which gives us hope that G-d can use this for His Purposes in individual lives to continue to have an authentic forum with authentic people sharing parts of their lives.
Thanks ladies I am back – I appreciate the words and I hope that we can all just remember to encourage and lift up our fellow forum members – not tear down. I will now just post when I see something worth posting on and I will trust Sonya and Doug to tackle things that may not be edifying. Again – I appreciate you all. Linda
As this post has to do with Linda – I will add to the accolades – I have received much encouragement from her (especially being another twin mom) and respect her greatly.
I would just like to share something on tolerance – just something my husband and I have been convicted of over the last many months. We just left a church we have been a part of since I was pregnant with my first son. It was a very hard decision for us and I will save you the gory details of why we left – but much of why we left and much of what we have learned since has had to do with being patient and gracious to others. We saw ourselves falling into the the mindset that we had the corner market on God and saw arrogance and pride growing in us (and other bad consequences for our family). Since then we have had many discussions of how we (and many other Christians) want to speed up sanctification in others, and end up beating them up rather than loving them because we are trying to be the Holy Spirit. We were just talking yesterday about how highly we hold our convictions, and sometimes in a idolatrous way – and I mean, we can be prideful in our convictions, especially when they differ from others and end up shutting others out because they are not likeminded. We talked about how God is so much bigger than us and while it is important to hold to our convictions, others have their convictions too and they have most likely read and prayed just as much as us to come to them – there is the possibility we may be wrong on a few things! We also discussed that accepting someone does not mean that we are agreeing with everything they believe, it just means we are not withholding love from them if they do disagree. We have to remember to speak the truth in LOVE, and that can be so hard to do sometimes – sometimes it can require us to not say anything at all – as I remind my son so often “where words are many, sin abounds” – we need to be so careful before we pour out criticisms, and always be looking for the plank in our own eye first. I hope I am not igniting any more fires – as I have re-read some other posts and remembering some from the past – I know there have been some very touchy subjects. I just wanted to share this from our personal life – it has been a very rough, but eye-opening summer for us- we have been able to step back and see what ugliness such a narrow-minded mind can have (and even see through some of our friends what a lifetime of being like this produces in broken relationships and isolation) and it is not pretty. May the Lord guide us all in our thinking and speech!