My ds is in 2nd grade. He is (and has always been) interested in spelling. I understand that Charlotte advocated beginning spelling in 3rd grade. I have used a McGuffey’s Eclectic Spelling Book for the past couple of years whenever he gets the itch to do spelling but I am not a fan of the list exercises. Also, as he is working through the Hymns in Prose exercises I will have him close his eyes and spell some of the words as we do the word-building lessons. We have Spelling Wisdom Book 1. Is it time to begin? I don’t know that it matters but he reads at a 6th grade level and I certainly do not want to hold him back with spelling if it is an appropriate time to begin. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I started spelling with my DD last year in 2nd grade only b/c she was struggling with spelling. She is a good reader, and I have since learned that spelling and reading are used from different parts of the brain. I don’t think it is necessary to to do spelling at this time, but since he seems to want to do it you could probably do a little each week, like one or two days/week, just to feed that hunger.
Has he moved from copywork to transcription yet? It seems he might be ready for that stage, which is preparatory for the dictation. You could use the exercises in SW1 for that purpose once he’s done with Hymns in Prose.
Sonya, I must have completely missed the transcription part of this process somehow. I have noticed that as he works through the Word-Building exercises from Hymns in Prose that he will have the word written on his paper before I write it on the white board. In fact, it has become sort of a game in that he will actually tell me how to spell the word and he wants to get it written down before I write it. Thank you for the reminder – I’m going to have him work on the transcription first with Hymns in Prose and then move him on to SW. I think as long as he “believes” he is working on spelling in some form he will be a happy little guy!
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