Time Spent Schooling

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  • Tristan

    Generally between 8am-9am. I don’t formally start school work until 9am but some of my kids will grab their independent work and start earlier depending on their mood. We take a break around 10am for snack (20 minutes) and then lunch is at noon.



    Are you including things such picture study, handicraft, Shakespeare, foreign language, etc during that time also?


    Shakespeare  yes, foreign language only the high schooler (Latin), though I do some ASL with the rest of the kids, picture study yes, hymn yes, poetry yes. About the only things not in that time are handicrafts (kids do those independently when they wish to do them) and art (creating art, which mine do as often as they can, so I don’t need to formalize it).

    The key is that we don’t do all of those things every day, or even every term. For example we didn’t do Shakespeare our first 6 week term but we are doing it this 6 week term. Picture study is one day a week, etc.


    We are similar to tristan. Our school finishing around noon includes extras like Hymn Study, Music, Picture Study… we just dont do everything daily. We do some twice/week and some once/week.


    For us the key was working with our schedule not what someone else says. I like to do music over lunch, listen while we eat. I often read the family read aloud while kids eat breakfast (I eat before they do).  We sort of work school into daily activities and life 🙂

    I grew up being HSed and school rarely went past noon.


    Very helpful, Tristan!

    Do you do a weekly nature study? You mentioned Latin for your high schooler. Do you wait until high school before doing a foreign language?

    We’ve been CM homeschooling for six years but have been very much all over the road due to moving multiple times and my health issues have also made it challenging to keep our school days shorter.

    HSMAMA, please forgive me for highjacking your post!!



    We do ASL from birth in some form (to help us survive the toddler years as many of mine have been later talkers, with two truly delayed) but then don’t do a foreign language until high school unless a child asks.

    Nature study happens about weekly.


    This is sooo encouraging!! Thank you for sharing!


    Oh….to think that during all of my kids’ toddler years, I thought they were speaking a foreign language!


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