Thoughts on Right Start Level G?

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  • Kristen

    I am trying to make a decision regarding math curriculum for my son who will be finishing Right Start Math Level E.  He is mathematically inclined.  I am going to do the Store curriculum with him.  It seems to me that doing Math U See epsilom would be a little repetitive.  I wondered what other people have done after finishing level E.


    How old is your son?


    He is 10 but would be nearly 11 when we start.   Since posting I have read some reviews of Right Start G that make it seem like it would not be the best choice.  I am wondering if MUS Epsilom is repetitive?



    I’m not familiar with RS Level E or MUS, so I can’t help you there, but just a reminder that RS does offer a 60 day return policy, minus shipping, if you were questioning Level G.

    Julie Cunningham

    My husband stepped in and is teaching it to my 6th grade daughter.  It is challenging yet meeting their goals of logical, analytical thinking. My sister, on the other hand, is switching to MUS with her other children (one completed it)


    We tried RS level G and it was misery.  It went so quickly for one thing.  We switched to Teaching Textbooks and it has been much better.  Their website has a test to take to determine which level is best, and our daughter started with level 7.  They explain things generally very well.  The only drawback we’ve had is that my daughter tries to do all the problems in her head and often gets frustrated, as the questions are on the computer.  There is a paper workbook too, but not as much fun as the noises (which you can turn some off) and pictures on the computer.

    Hope this helps.


    I looked at RS G because we loved their other levels but went with Teaching Textbooks because I couldn’t teach three separate RS math lessons every day without going nuts. We used TT for two years and are now considering MUS for Pre-Algebra. We just found it to hard to switch to MUS previously because of their one concept per year approach. Hopefully it will be easier for pre-alg.

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