Just in case you don’t know. I have two girls, 5.5 and 3. I am trying to make the transition from traditional school to more of a CM style. Now my school year plan is all messed up. At this point, I’m just wondering what to do with my girls for this year. Should I concentrate on math, reading, nature study, poetry, etc.? Any suggestions? My state doesn’t have any requirements, so it’s just for us.
What traditional schooling have they had? This would be a great time to implement CM methods. I would check out the early years guide on this website for ideas. Early Years Guide
We did Sonlight’s P4/5 with Language Arts K, Phonics Workbooks, Readers, Singapore Earlybird Math. It was way too much for her last year, and we dropped the Language Arts (which was a lot of copywork and grammar ~ too much in my opinion for a very young 5 year old) around week 28. This year I do have another “program,” but I really want to start implementing CM and continue that philosphy throughout. My question is: What do I do now? I do have a lot of living books on my shelves from some expensive misses, so reading to them is not a problem. I guess I’m wondering if I should be a lot more relaxed this year and read aloud every day, do math, and Juliette’s Readers, let them play and collect things outside. Maybe include Queen’s Language Lessons? Mainly go to the zoo, museum, storytime at the library with puppet shows, etc., and then do Module 1 next year?
Hi Cindie! I have three girls. 5.5, 3.5 and 1. We’re going to wait until next year to start module 1. We’ve already started learning to read so we’re going to continue that as well as our math lessons, we use MUS so the lessons are VERY short and very gentle – especially so in the Primer – My oldest started it when she was three and completed it ths year. We’re going to be doing nature study through the Outdoor Hour Blog. Memory verses. And that was all I was going to do, BUT I couldn’t resist the heroes for young readers series by YWAM. They are brief biographies of Christian Missionaries and I’m going to use that to reinforce Character study, as well as to teach some very general history, geography, social studies and art. It sounds like more that it really is – probably won’t take us more than an hour an a half. We’ll also take some type of physical class – gymnastics? swimming? something of that nature. Mostly we’re just going to have a lot of fun! Hope that helps.
My girls are going to take gymnastics and ballet this year also. I think I’m just not going to do any schedule other than Math and readers with my oldest, and of course Bible stories and read alouds with them both. I think we will do a nature study and art once a week, but trying to stick to a schedule this year would be so hard since my 3 year old no longer naps and is high energy. She does entertain herself well with playdoh or dolls and puzzles for 30 minutes to an hour, so we could just do math and reading with some phonics during that time in the morning. I don’t really want to do anything formal with them because they are at such fun ages that I really want to play with them and go and explore on our own with field trips, etc. I’m rambling, but very glad to have someone in the exact same shoes! I’m going to order the books for Module 1 throughout the year when I find them used and start next fall. Thanks for listening!