This really works!!!!

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  • Morgan1

    My daughter was taken out of public school about halfway through first grade she is entering third now. Everyone that homeschools around here (not to many CM families) looks at me like I’m crazy because I have never taught her spelling or grammar yet. I followed the CM way and waited until entering 3rd to start. Believing that they will pick up properly spelled words by reading good books frequently. They think she it’s learning because she isn’t doing drilled spelling lists and tests or phonics or grammar. She took her first state exam today (spelling ad grammar part). As I looked I she passed every single spelling word and word usage question!! I always wondered In the back of my mind is the CM way of just reading good books enough, will they learn this way? My daughter is a perfect example of it. They sure do! Just wanted to share her story and encourage anyone who wonders that it really works! Charlotte mason really knows her stuff!! I am so excited to take this journey with her and my younger children too!



    This really made me smile. Thanks for sharing.


    Thank you for sharing! This is SO encouraging! I’m going “whole hog” into SCM this year with my 5th graders and 3rd graders and reading this makes me even more optimistic about it.

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