third grade – should she be doing more?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules third grade – should she be doing more?

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  • 6boys1girl

    My age 8, third grader seems to get done with school really quickly. She finishes all her independent subjects in about 1 -1 1/2 hours. Our family subjects take about 1 1/2 hours a day on top of that.

    She is doing the following per week:
    Bible (Vos Story Bible): 5x
    Literature (booklist): 2-4x
    Science: Outdoor Secrets 2x, living book 2-4x
    Math: 5x
    History (TQ with booklist): with me 2-4x, on own 2-4x
    Geography (Visits to): 1x
    Cursive (Print to Cursive Proverbs): 3x
    Missionary: 1x
    Personal (with me): 1x every other week
    Enrichment (SCM): 5x

    I tried Using Language Well with her but she wasn’t quite ready for that so we are waiting until 4th grade. Is there anything I’m missing? She is asking for more school. Since she seems to have the time and the desire, I’d like to give her something else now (NOT busywork though). Any suggestions?




    If she is an artistic or creative type maybe you could give her an age appropriate art program to work through.

    If she is more science-minded maybe you could give her some experiment kits that she can work with and then narrate to you about.  Or keep a scinece journal on all the experiments she has been doing.

    If she is a numbers lover,  give her a math games book that she can work through on her own and just for fun.  Or assign her some age appropriate math “challenges” that use what she has covered in math so far to be used in a real world way.  (For instance, if she has learned to find area, have her see if she can calculate the square footage of her bedroom.)

    If she is a history buff, ask her what she would LOVE to learn about and then have her do a lapbook or a research project or a presentation of some sort (age Puppet show, homemade poster, small skit with dolls, etc.)

    If she is learning an instrument, have her compose her own music and play it for you.

    It looks to me as though she is doing enough schoolwork that is covering the bases.  She may just be an efficient student!  Which is a good thing!  Whatever you give her on top of what she is doing now, make sure it is something she really enjoys and that it helps fulfill her as a person.

    This is just what I would do in your situatioon, though.



    Thanks Miranda!

    I ran those ideas past her and she’s interested in a science experiment kit and an art program. So we’re looking into those.

    She is an efficient student which is nice.  It would be nice to use that efficiency as well as reward it. You’re ideas are perfect for that!


    Glad I was able to help a bit!  Have fun!



    Rebacca, that looks much like my 3rd grader’s week.  Are you doing any scripture memory or hymn study?  I don’t start my DC with Spelling Wisdom until 4th grade, but we do a bit of language arts before then and are usually still working on phonics/reading aloud in 3rd grade.

    If you want something to add, we’ve been doing paper sloyd this year, and all of my DC really enjoy it.  I bought an assortment of scrapbook papers for them to work with and it’s a highlight of their week.  We are using Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades which is in the public domain.

    It can be difficult to find things that aren’t busywork!  I try to encourage hobbies or playing outside with their free time.  My 3rd grader likes clay sculpting, sewing with felt, playing on the swings, riding her bike, and drawing.



    Is she interested in handicrafts?  Knitting is wonderful for kids to learn and great “brain exercise”.  Or maybe learning an instrument?  Or a sport?

    One of the things we do extra is Frontier Girls.  It’s a scouting organization and you can be your own troop.  There are over 1000 badges to earn, and my daughter picks badges to work toward as she’s interested in them.


    Thank you for all the ideas.
    We did find an art program that we already had. She’ll start that tomorrow. She’s also asking for science experiments so I’m looking for those.

    We are looking into piano for her. She requested that awhile ago but we haven’t been able to work out the logistics yet.

    I’ll have to look at Paper Sloyd. It sounds like something most of my children would like.
    Some of her brothers know how to knit (I’m clueless on things like that) so maybe they can teach her.
    We’ll also be looking into Frontier Girls. That might be something I can work with her on. She only has one sister out of 9 total siblings so she likes to do things individually with me whenever possible (Her sister is only 2).

    Thanks again!


    The co-ed version of Frontier Girls is Quest Club, and you can join as a family.  They have many of the same badges, and over a thousand to work on, as well as different awards the kids can work toward.  🙂

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