Thinking of teaching cursive to my 1st grader…

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    My son is 6 1/2 years old in 1st grade.  I started him out doing daily copywork at age four.  It started simple with five three-letter words and has gradually built up to: name, date, and three lines of writing full sentences.  His printing is perfect most of the time.  But we are at a beginning reading level of short vowels and some blends.  Should I go ahead and teach him cursive now or wait until the recommended 3rd grade?  Does it affect his reading skills?  How do I teach it?  If he writes copywork in cursive, when and how often does he also use print?


    Well, as I decided to teach cursive first…. I say go for it!  (my first question is – who’s recommendation is 3rd grade?)

    It should not affect his reading skills… cursive actually helps with the left-to-right reading order (although if he is already copying lines of sentences, he probably has that down.) 

    As for when would he use print…. I would say that once he knows cursive, he wouldn’t generally use print at all…  (except when older for forms that request print, or if he does drafting or something like that….)

    As for how – google “Peterson Directed Handwriting” – I have been using it with my son, and it has worked well.  There is a pdf version of their program that you can buy, or you can buy the homeschool kit that has a booklet.  We are using the pdf version.  I’d recommend “Step 2” of the pdf version as it is designed for about a grade 2 student, but starts teaching cursive from scratch.   That is what I’m using with my barely 7yo son.   I do use the alphabet page from “Step 1” to introduce the letter quickly and to practice tracing with the finger…. I have it because I’m using it with my 4yo daughter.  But you don’t need “Step 1”

    One of many things I like with the program is that the students learn to write the words with a sample at the top of the page…. and eventually with the sample in a regular non-cursive font.   That means that once they are doing that, you don’t need to make special copywork pages for them!


    I also have a 6yo who, like yours, has been doing copywork since age 4. He has wonderful manuscript, however we are stilled using lined paper. When we writes on his drawings or blank paper, his writing still slopes downward. At this point, I would not teach him cursive. Until he can comfortably and easily write letters of the same size in a semi-straight line, without lined paper (other than notebook paper), I’m not going to push cursive. I think it’s great when kids start off writing in cursive, but I feel mastering manuscript was the best choice for us. I plan to continue having ds write in print until the recommended 3rd grade.

    May I ask what is the rush in teaching cursive? 




    Lindsey: He does so well with manuscript, I thought cursive was the next step.  I noticed New American Cursive in a catalog.  It is for 1st graders.  My only concern was if it would mess up his reading.  I have not tried having him write on unlined paper, other than his name.  Maybe that is what I need to do next.  Maybe I can have him do copywork only 2-3 days per week instead of 5 and wait on cursive until next year.  Thanks.

    I believe Sonya recommends 3rd grade, correct?

    Thanks for the suggestion. suzukimom.  I checked into it and will keep it in mind for when we do start cursive.


    I started cursive with my daughter this year, who is 6 1/2 now, but her printing is excellent and I wanted to challenge her skills.  She is learning only the basics, the letters individually, I won’t begin cursive copywork until next year.


    I think Sonya recommends 3rd grade. I hope you didn’t think I was assuming you were making a bad decision. Innocent

    I just have embraced this “gentle art of learning” so wholly that I try not to rush anything. Anyway, you should do what you think is best. If he’s ready, by all means, go for it! If not, it’ll keep til next year or later.




    I highly recommend teaching cursive first! It is much easier IMO and my kid’s opinions. I’ve successfully used both Cursive First and Pencil Pete. Until about the 1950s (I think it was), cursive was always taught first and those of that generation have lovely penmanship.

    As an added benefit, my kids can read cursive with no difficulty whatsoever.



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