Thinking of next year-school structure

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    Hello, as we wind down the school year I am looking back over things that worked and things that didn’t.  We definately need more structure in our school room.  I was thinking of having some sort of beginning to the school day.  How do you all begin your school day?  Do you just send  the kids to get the books and just get started or do you have some sort of starting ritual like pledge of alegiance and prayer?  I am also seeing that giving my son some freedoms in his school day is counter-preductive.  I had let him sit on the floor to read or do his math but it has become such a distraction that I think we are going to have to go to a more schoolroom structure of work at the table and stand for some recitation work.  Does anyone else do this in thier school?  I’m looking for ideas and inspiration for a better school year next year.  Thanks.



    Our day begins with a call to come to the couch.  We have a devotional first thing.  For us that means singing hymns we’re learning, reading scriptures and discussing, practicing memory work, and anything else we happen to lump in there for the week.  From devotional children go to do their individual work and I call the group or child I need to work with first to meet me at a specific place.

    Alicia Hart

    Our day starts out with everyone doing thier morning routine.  They cannot have breakfast until these things are done:

    brush hair

    brush teeth


    pick up room (5-10minutes)

    make bed

    Then we eat breakfast and do some quick after meal chores.  Next is family worship/devotions.

    Sometimes I let my kids choose where to sit for family devotions but have found that it works much better if I assign seats.


    We have tried various methods.  We always begin with breakfast together, followed by family devotions.  I tried doing something more formal for awhile because I had a friend who did and her routine looked so cute.  She hed been a private school teacher, so she had things set up as she would have done in a classroom.  She would do calendar time with the kids posting the date on a bulletin board , then they would talk about the weather and do memory work together, followed by a five minute math drill, and then five minutes of each kid reading aloud.  

    I feel as if we could benefit from having some of that routine, but the whole idea of the kids standing to do the Pledge of Allegiance and some of those other schoolish routines just doesn’t fit us.  

    I find that we are most comfortable doing family Bible time, then memory work, then a math speed drill followed by individual meetins with me to plan the day.



    We gather for the first 60-90 minutes each morning … I call it our morning liturgy. This is the cornerstone of our day and I often feel that if this is all we accomplished in a day I would feel content, even joyful. My kids are 10, 8, 6, and 5. My younger two (boys) have access to finger snacks and magic sand, thinking putty, coloring books, lacing cards, etc during this time to keep them more engaged. Everyone is expected to be present and intentional, at their levels, of course.

    We begin with gratitude (journals for myself and my girls, orally for my boys), then we move on to Bible, singing (hymn or folk song), memory (scripture or poem), one CM lovely each day (picture or composer/Shakespeare or Plutarch teatime/habits/handicrafts/nature & boc), then a family read aloud daily (such as Narnia), and then we spend 15 minutes outside using this book.

    We have a healthy snack and water and then we break off for more individual lessons, like math, English, AO readings, etc. and we strive for free afternoons.


    In the past we have started our day by listening to a chapter of an audiobook – for a long time we worked through the narnia series. This got everyone settle down and focused on listening and gave me some time to put things away/take things out while listening. often we would finish up chores like putting dishes away or folding laundry while listening.

    I let that lapse for a while and we have suffered from it. I will be finding a great riviting book to listen to next year! Maybe dickens…


    @Gem – A Christmas Carol by Dickens and narrated by Tim Curry is fabulous.


    We have breakfast with prayer, scripture memory and devotional. While I clear away breakfast, the girls dress, brush teeth/hair, make up beds (fold their blankets), and tidy rooms. They are free to play while I dress and do one load of laundry.

    At 9:00ish we go the school room and our day starts with our hymn that we are learning. First “subject” is Bible…..always. Our day just doesn’t ever go well if we don’t do bible study. On a day that we don’t have school, they get to pick their bible activity. 

    We have a dedicated school room (thank the Lord). DD 6 has her own school desk and DD3 has a child-size table near her cubbies with all her own things like paper, crayons, scissors, cheap workbooks, stickers, letter magnets, books. 

    The only thing she does at her desk is handwriting. Anything read aloud (which is a lot because she is young) is done cuddled on the couch or spread out on our tummies on mommy’s bed. (They love that!) I have even read to them in their tents. 🙂 Pretty much anywhere they request to be for read alouds, I accomodate within reason. 

    Math is done on the living room carpet because we do Right Start math and there is just a ton of fun manipulatives and card games. Delightful Reading is done on the carpet so we can spread out for that, too. I just give her a lap desk if she wants to write anything. 

    It’s funny, we have a school room, but it’s more like a home for all of our books. We don’t really stay in the school room for school. We are all over the place…even outside. 🙂


    Gosh missceegee, I bet that is good – I will look it up, thanks for the recommendation. I love Tim Curry’s voice!


    erin.kate- I like that book.

    We start the day in the kitchen with all at the table for breakfast at 8:30. They must be dressed, beds made, etc… and one additional pre assigned morning chore done. During breakfast we have prayer, scripture memory, and a read aloud.  Then we clear off breakfast and sit together to go over a hymn and then do whatever is next in our SCM Module. After this, we do one of the wonderful extras: picture study, Shakespeare, artist, etc..

    Then, everyone goes on to their individual work. I work with the youngest on all that she needs me for and then move on to the next child.  I only have to go over a bit with the oldest ones at the close of the morning.

    My children are 16,14,10,and 6.  We have been working towards this model for years.  It was harder to do when they were younger, but now it is so well ingrained in them that it is natural.  When they all needed my help in the morning and when I had a baby in the house it was obviously different.  But this was always the goal we worked towards.

    Next year one tweak will be that all do math first after our family time.  Then I am right there with all to answer questions and quide. Of course the younger will finish sooner so I will move her on to something she can do independantly till the others are done with math and then I will go to her to finish her school work that involves me. 


    Thank you all for sharing your days.  I’ve got some ideas now on what to implement for next year.


    My kids get up at 7 and have chores to do and one is to get breakfast on the table around 7:40.  We eat, clean up, brush teeth and everyone meets on the couch.  At this time we start with a prayer, I usually change it every year.  This year the pray is specificly for students.  Then we do family studies for the day.  After that they are free to get their school done where they’d like, and they help me rotate with the little ones so no one is wondering around.  Like my 15 yr old might llisten on Monday to my 5 yr old read while I do math with the 7 yr old and the next day we’ll switch.  

    Anyway.. get ready, eat, teeth/kitchen clean up and family devotions/prayers and studies!

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