Thinking Like a Christian? Starting Points?

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  • Aimee

    My 11th grade DD is using only parts of MFW this year. She’s using the Bible and Civics because I felt that her 2 older brothers really learned a lot about Christian World View from MFW. Part of Bible this year is Thinking Like a Christian and so far she’s not enjoying it. She’s a very concrete thinker and, even though she loves reading good literature, reading something like this is challenging for her. I’m wondering if anyone else has used TLAC. There’s a student journal and questions to answer that my daughter finds PAINFUL. I’m trying to decide if I should just have her read and narrate or if there’s a better way to learn the subject. I’ve also looked at the Starting Points curriculum and like that it uses literature – which my daughter loves. It practices deciphering the world view of good literature and that’s a skill that would really benefit an avid reader. Is all this necessary? How did you insure that your kids have a healthy world view and understand the other world views out there?


    Starting Points is excellent, but it would be a tough go if you yourself weren’t able to work through it, because there is no teacher’s guide or answer key. Unless you were just planning on having her do it independently. In my experience, having used it with two kids, it’s very time consuming and thought-provoking. We didn’t even get to everything in it! I’m not familiar with TLAC, so I can’t say whether there is less “student journal” type work in SP, but to use it completely, she would need to be willing to form reactions to lots of questions.

    One thing that may help is for you to read descriptions of the different books used in SP (like, read reviews on Amazon and summaries, etc) to see whether it seems like she would click with the books. Also, take a look at samples of SP online, if they’re available. (Sorry, it’s been about 5 years since I’ve used it so I’m not current, but I’m pretty sure it hasn’t changed.)

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