Thinking ahead to next year…

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  • pinkchopsticks

    I am thinking ahead to next year already…yes, I know we just started the school year…lol.  Anyway, I went to several SCM seminars at a homeschool conference this summer and really think this is what I have been looking for.  I have 4 children ages 13, 10, 7, 4.  The oldest will start highschool next year.  I feel like this is a crazy time to take a leap in planning out my own curriculum, but I really have been looking for a way to keep all my kids studying the same thing together as much as possible.  (Obviously they do some things seperately….math, grammar, upper level science.)  We have used Sonlight in the past, and while I enjoyed the program, it was too much for my 2nd dd with special needs to keep up with.  Last year and this year we are using MFW…and it has been a good fit.  I just don’t like the idea of my daughter breaking off to do most work independantly next year, which is what will happen if we continue with MFW. 

    So, I guess I am looking for input.  Since my highschooler only has 4 years left, where do I start in the cycle?  Do I just do one year of ancients?  I saw a comment on another thread about Beautiful Feet Ancients…has anyone used that?  I am not that familiar with BF and found it difficult to really get a good feel for their curriculum on their website.  What onther options would you consider?  Also, what would you say are the most helpful planning resources?   And….how do you know that your highschooler is “doing enough” ?

    Thanks for any input you can give,


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