Then and Now Bible Maps book?

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  • mj4jesus

    In history module 1 you list “Then and Now Bible Maps”. In the book finder it took me to amazon which also list a DELUXE version. It appears to have all of whats in the other plus more. Do you have and knowledge, thoughts, or opinions on this. Thank you to any who responds and Thank you Sonya 🙂

    Sonya Shafer

    I was just comparing the two versions on Rose Publishing’s site. The Deluxe looks very interesting, and I’m sure you would be able to use the extra maps and information. It looks like all the overlay maps are in the original, so you would get the Then and Now information just from the original version. But the extra maps and tabernacle layout and chart of prophets would be helpful too. 

    So I’d say either would work well.

    blue j

    We have the deluxe version and enjoy it very much.  However, I’m sure the original version would be just as nice… I would say this is a “don’t stress” choice.  Pick the one that fits your budget without worrying that you are short changing your kiddos.

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