The World of Christopher Columbus

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  • I keep reading about the modules that everyone is choosing but has anyone ever read Genevieve Fosters book on Columbus? I’m finding it hard to decide if we should buy a module for American history or if we should just read all the way through Foster’s Columbus book for a more indepth look at that time. I know in all the C.M. reading that I did over the summer this book was mentioned several times but have not seen anyone mention it on this forum regarding history. I did buy Stories of America from SCM but it seems to simplistic for my 4th grader. Should I just read some supplemental books with him and keep plowing through? Any suggestions?


    You aren’t going to actually find a ton of American  History in the Foster book on Columbus.  It actually focuses more on what is going on in the world at different times in Columbus’ life, coupled with sections on his life also.  So all the “American” you are going to get is an actual account of Columbus sailing to the West Indies and his efforts at governing there.  The rest will all be snapshots of what is happening around the world in different places at those times. 


    I love all the Gen Foster books for World History. But Bookworm is correct these are World History with just a little American History  in them. Even the George Washington and Abraham Lincoln ones are mostly World History.


    You aren’t going to actually find a ton of American  History in the Foster book on Columbus.  It actually focuses more on what is going on in the world at different times in Columbus’ life, coupled with sections on his life also.  So all the “American” you are going to get is an actual account of Columbus sailing to the West Indies and his efforts at governing there.  The rest will all be snapshots of what is happening around the world in different places at those times. 


    OK, that was weird.  Don’t know why that happened.  Sorry for the double post.

    Yes, I guess I realized that it wasn’t “American History” but I thought that it would be a good lead in. However I didn’t know the other books were not so much Am History either. Anyhow, what do you do for American History? or rather what method have you used for history? are you both going through the modules or doing something different? do either of you have the Stories of America book? What do you think?

    Thanks for your feedback.

    We started American history this year too. I bought Stories of Amercica, and I am adding whatever I like with it. I bought a great reference book for history called All Through The Ages and it has listed by grades which books are the best for which time periods. I HIGHLY recommend it if you want to know what to supplement with but don’t have much time to sort through all the books out there.

    Today, we finished John Cabot (which is not in Stories of America). I didn’t want to skip him, so I briefly touched on him, in addition to Magellan. My kids have enjoyed learning about explorers and I didn’t want to pass it by too quickly. I used a few of the books mentioned in All Through The Ages for this study.

    Does this help?


    My ds used George Washington’s World last year with AO.  Yes, it does have world history interlaced, but also a lot of American history.  I don’t have it (lent it out) or I’d give you some examples.  I love these books and think they’re some of the best, because my ds11 LOVES them.  He actually is doing a summary of each section of Abe’s World because he enjoys it so much, and wants to have a collection that summarizes all that he learned.  Good stuff.

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