I haven’t used it yet…just received it to use next year, too:) But the chapters are VERY short. Maybe 10 min. to read? It’s a large book, but it’s fairly large print and the ch. are only 1 or 2 pg.’s ea. HTH:) Gina
We adore this book. The chapters are around 2 pages long, yes. We used this for the first half of this school year, and sometimes split the chapters into two readings. This was our first experience using an older living book as a history spine, and having the boys ages 11-14 read it on their own, and then narrate (in the past I’ve read history, Biblioplan style, and we’ve discussed). Once the younger boys got used to the older language, they loved it, gave great narrations, and were really sad when the book ended. Our 14-year-old especially loved the way it was written and I could see a lot of it emulated in his written narrations.
It measure approx. 8 1/2 x 11 inches and is approx. 5/8 inch thick. I would agree with about 10 minute reading time per lesson. There are black and white photos and illustrations throughout. I think it’s a great series, depending on the age and maturity of your kids.
The kids who would be listening to the book are 8 and 6. i would be reading it aloud…it sounds like it may be a bit advanced? Their reading comprehension is fairly high, but I don’t want to read it now if it would be better suited for another year down the road…
I just ordered it for our next school year, too! Can’t wait. Living Books Curriculum recommends it. That’s how I learned of it. I was leaning toward using Sonlight’s spines of ‘A Child’s History of the World’ and ‘The Usborne Book of World History’ but finally, by God’s grace, made the correct decision for us to not use those books for moral reasons and I am so grateful to know other good history books exist. I also ordered ‘On The Shores of the Great Sea. It goes over the days from Abraham to Christ. You may want to check that out as well.