The Puppy Place Books by Scholastic

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  • thepinkballerina

    Has anyone heard of this series of books for ages 9-12? Are they twaddle? My daughter reads the Boxcar Children even the newer twaddle ones lol but also reads classics, so I don’t mind some twaddle as long as the books have good characters in them. 



    anyone?? 🙂


    I’m afraid not! 


    My 10yo dd brought one home from the library right before Christmas, but neither of us has read much of it.  I’m going to read at least some of it this weekend, and I’ll let you know.



    Okay, I tried….I really tried to read the book dd brought home from the library, but I couldn’t get past the first chapter!  It simply bored me too much to continue, lol!  However, I have to tell you that partway into the first chapter, I found myself wondering if the author was actually a teen or older child.  The writing style just reminded me of something my 12yo dd would come up with, although grammatically correct and such.  When I looked up the author’s website, I found that she is, of course, a grown woman, but I was surprised to learn that she has written many, many of these books, involving various dog breeds.

    The author says that the first book took almost a year to write, but subsequent books have taken only three or four months each.  There are about 24 in the series.  They seem a bit “twaddley” to me, but my 10yo dd really enjoyed the first one and wants to read a second.  I suspect she will get tired of them after awhile, like my kids did once they began reading the later books in the “Boxcar Children” series.  (You know, the ones that were written after Gertrude Chandler Warner’s death and are not quite the same as her original stories….)

    Sorry if this isn’t much help.  I suppose it says something that I could not seem to get past the first chapter of the Puppy Place series book, “Sweetie,” yet I couldn’t put down “On the Banks of Plum Creek” (Laura Ingalls Wilder), before I read it to my children.


    My dd age 8 read through about 5 of the Puppy Place books in a week. lol VERY twaddle! I’ve got her on the All-of-a-Kind family books now! Thanks for your response!

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