The Mystery of the Hieroglyphs ???

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  • I tried to place an order earlier through Amazon putting together all the books that go with Module 1. Is there another site possibly to order The Mystery of the Hieroglyphs? The least amount for this book on Amazon is $40 and that is used..!!

    Am I being too cheap? It just seems like quite a bit when most of the other books are $10 or less.

    Thanks for helping out..

    Sonya Shafer

    You’re kidding! Oh, dear. That one must be out of print for now. Frown

    Does your library have it? That’s where I found a copy.

    Rachel White

    I came across used copies of this book at Amazon today, starting at 28.22 w/3.99 s/h.

    I googles the title and the first selction was at Amazon.


    Richele Baburina

    Hello.  Please do look at as they have some very reasonably priced that ship from the UK (also at a good shipping rate).  It is okay to either switch it out or leave it out.  We didn’t have it when doing that part of the module and I just put a lot of Ancient Egypt – hieroglyph books in the free reading basket.  btw, We loved Seeker of Knowledge.


    Here’s one on eBay that is $15 plus shipping with Buy It Now. It looks like a different cover than the one I have (which has a brown cover), but I believe that it’s the same book.


    We may end up going with Seeker of Knowledge… I am waiting a bit longer before ordering again… Thank you so much for your help.. Being new to CM, it worries me about picking out Living Books.. I hope I am doing right and so I hope I dont bug you guys with all my questions and posts.. Trying to follow the curriculum guideline as close as I can.. when I feel more comfortable, I may stray and go out on a limb….

    Thanks again!


    I was able to find it through interlibrary loan. It was nice to have and read through, but I think Seeker of Knowledge would stand alone.  The Mystery of Heiroglyphs, if I remember right (that was back in the fallSmile), explained in more detail how the heiroglyphs were deciphered and,at the end, gave an example for the reader to try his hand at deciphering some “heiroglyphs”, which my kids liked doing.  Like I said, good book, but I wouldn’t spend $40 on it. 

    Our library actually has this book, which is surprising, because it does not usually have what I’m needing! You might be able to get it at through inter-library loan.

    I was lucky enough to find a copy of it just last week on ebay for 99 cents & $4.00 shipping.  I snatched it up, but I would not pay $40 for it.  Just keep looking, one might pop up somewhere.


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