I was hoping to listen to this next week with my girls. I thought that I’d seen it available to stream for free on Focus on the Family several months ago. Now I can only find that it is over 31 days old and no longer available for streaming. Is there anywhere that I can stream or download it for free?
Well, I know this might help some of you, but I searched Legend of Squanto at our local library, and they actually have it on dvd, plus it is requestable through SearchOhio–our inter-library loan system. So, maybe you could find it at your library, or they might have it available as a library download.
When you search for it, Paul McCusker is listed as the author. You also might be able to contact Focus on the Family through their website and ask if they would consider making the link live again, especially since it would be a Thanksgiving holiday favorite for many families.
I found one!! I couldn’t download it but it was playing off the internet. We haven’t listed to all of it yet, but it was playing!! Looking forward to listening to this. Here is a link to the page: Legend of Squanto.
Here is the mp3 file on Amazon. We have this and my children LOVE this story. 🙂 We listen to it in the car frequently during this season. Thank you pangit for the link!