I am currently working from home, tutoring online 1 hr. per week. The school I am working for has asked me to teach a class next year, beginning in September. This will take 2 1/2 hours per week over 2 days (1 hour one day, 1 1/2 hours the second). Anyway, I have been lax in the habit training department, mainly b/c I don’t know how. All the things I read just say “do it” but don’t seem to have any suggestions on how to do it.
Any ideas? I want my dc (by then they will be 9.5 and 6) to play quietly indoors, preferably in their bedrooms, during that time.
for getting my kids to have a “quiet time” we had to work our way up to it – start with just a small amount of time, like 10 minutes and set a timer. And I only allow certain toys for that time (like no cars, army men, you get my drift!) – for us that is puzzles, books, coloring, etc. And then just work your way up, adding 5 minutes every few days, or each week until you are up to what time you need it to be.
For my boys – if I set a timer (rather than, I’ll come get you) they do much better – don’t know why, I am pretty consistent with sticking to whatever time I say, but they do better with an actual timer that buzzes/beeps. And if I reserve certain toys for that time, they find them more fun. Like for the younger ones having “school only” toys during school time.
and of course with yours being older, you could probably start with more than 10 minutes, that’s just what I did when mine were much younger.
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