The Girlhood Home Companion


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  • Tina

    I am thinking of ordering these magazines. They seem like they may be along the lines of CM. Do any of you receive them? What do you think?

    I have them and love them – in fact I also had an article published in the last issue about an English Country Garden. They are wonderfully wholesome, old fashioned and very genteel. They are full of interesting articles and other interesting things. Personally I highly recommend them. Lindy

    Betty Dickerson

    That was you??? I loved that article!! I think I’m a misplaced Brit! (Could there be such a thing as a Cuban Brit?).

    The magazine is the most lovely magazine I have seen in recent time. It reminds me of Victoria magazine, just as pretty but so much more applicable to who we are.

    I, too, have published a few articles in the magazine! I’m working on another one now.

    I think the magazine is such a blessing. It has definitely filled a void for our girls and for us moms with something so beautiful and encouraging. I love the magazine.

    Yes, that was me (hence my log in Missing the Shire – because I do miss my Shire very much) – I loved writing that article, it brought back so many beautiful and wonderful memories. I lost my mum a couple of years ago, and writing that piece and then sharing it with my father was so cathartic and special for me. My teenage daughters were amazed we had lived that way – but we did and it was a wonderful way to live, though as I said in the article, hard for my parents and the other older folks in the village – I am not so sure that we are better off now, at least not in everything. I told my girls only today how we used to walk the 5 miles there and back every Saturday to see my grandparents for afternoon tea, I can’t see people doing that today – but we enjoyed it strangely enough, and we had no car – so there was little choice.

    I think there could be a Cuban Brit – why not.. I am glad that you agree that the magazine is so lovely – it truly is, and it is so unusual in this world we live in today. I would recommend it to anyone with daughters. I even enjoy it as a grown up, as I suspect many would. I look forward to reading your next article and hope to write another myself one day soon. Linda (Lindy)


    What age girls is the magazine written for?

    These could easily be read aloud to any young girl who can understand what is being read to her and enjoyed through early teens or even later in some cases. As a mum I really enjoy reading them as well. Lindy

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