The Fault in Our Stars – and book review sources?

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    I don’t know who has read the book The Fault in Our Stars, but as it was one I’ve heard of a lot lately I was looking for reviews and a friend just posted one she found online that was detailed and helpful to me.  (No, we won’t be reading the book.)  I thought I would share that review site because I know many of you have children like my oldest, reading almost faster than you can hand them books.  I was so glad to find a site with thorough reviews so that I could comfortably make a decision about a book I had not read personally. 

    Does anyone else have a go-to site for book reviews?  I’m finding that as new books come out there are not always easy to find reviews (which is why we often stick with older books, but when a new book gets a lot of hype as a modern classic I’m curious to know more).


    Thank you for posting this. I am also often looking for thorough reveiws on books that I don’t know enough about but also know that I won’t have enough to read through them before hand.

    As far as the book reveiw that you posted…SHEESH! They said it was for 14+. Yikes! I don’t think we’ll be picking that one up, either!



    Redeemed Reader has pretty thorough reviews.

    I think I have some others bookmarked, and I’ll post if I find them.



    You know, my daughter asked to read this twice and both times I declined. I can’t remember why the first time (maybe I just put her off), but the second time I read reviews at Amazon and you can search key words in the reviews so I searched s*x and found there was a graphic scene per a review.

    First off all, that is off limits material in my book for my children, but secondly, it was between two unmarried people, so I don’t agree with that either. I was frank and told her that was why should couldn’t read it and that was the end. A friend recommend another book and she’s very much enjoying it, so the case is closed.

    Also, I’ve read many reviews about the book and movie now that the movie is out because it’s about childhood cancer and since my youngest has cancer, I am a little more sensitive to things that pertain to this. From everything I’ve read, it’s really an unrealistic look at a child having cancer. I don’t think she asked to read this because of her brother’s illness, but because she was just surfing Amazon for book ideas she’d like based on past reading.

    Well that is my 2 cents and then some. It’s so sad that parents have to worry about their children reading inappropriate content. My hubby told me about some other book (not sure of the name) that schools were requiring students to read that was extremely graphic about s*x – I can’t even believe that teacher’s would suggest such materials. Guess that is another tally for the reason why we homeschool.


    Thanks Kim, I’ll add that one to my list of review places.


    Melissa, I never realized that (searching Amazon reviews by key word).  I’ll be using that in the future!  And I was appalled at the book contents as described in the review. 

    I have one friend who has had a really bad time with the books chosen by her daughter’s school, including one that sounds like you described.  It’s not been good.


    Yes, the feature at Amazon is very handy. I just found it not very long ago when I was scrolling down and there is was on the right side of the screen. Now I always type in that key word to make sure there is nothing and if there is, it’s automatically out of the running. If it passes that test, then I do read reviews further and often google for Christian review too. Better safe than sorry for me as I don’t need them reading things inappropriate.

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