The Everything American Government Book

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  • smartypants

    Okay. Springing off my question about the Government videos, I need to know how to implement this book (or something similar) in order to get a 1/2 credit of Government covered for my son’s “extra year”, “gap year” (whatever you want to call it)! 😉

    We have been using a typical high school textbook and he is not retaining much. He reads a section each day and tells me a bit about it. There are usually 3-5  sections per chapter, so each chapter takes a solid week. I use the end of chapter reviews and make up tests for him.

    Normally, this kid likes textbooks. Maybe it’s just this particular book he’s not keen on. He likes his Physics and Math textbooks.

    We have wasted a full two months, two weeks on this textbook and now I feel pressed for time. He has to do Econ next semester (or at least for part of the semester…if Gov overlaps, it’s okay).

    So, considering he’s been working on Gov all this time, if I had him read the Everything book and watch some videos and discuss, would that be enough? Should he do any written work (daily written narrations or a test made by me every once in a while???) or would discussing with me be sufficient? He reads current political events everyday and we talk about those. He also discusses political stuff with his friends.

    We just want to get this done.

    Is there a super brief booklet on the Constitution out there…somewhere? The Hillsdale course looks great, but time-consuming with all the recommended readings. Brief but thorough is key here!

    As you can see, I’m all over the place with this and need help.

    I have read through every thread I could find on the topic and I’m still flummoxed.




    I need to add some info:

    The textbook we are currently using has 23 chapters…we’ve only done 8 out of the 23. It’s taking a lot longer than I planned.

    We do have lots of interruptions…college dd comes and goes to classes, dad takes off work often (has to use up vacation days or lose them). I know these interruptions are a huge factor, but we get lots done otherwise.



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