The Easy French / The Easy Spanish Charlotte Mason Design

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    If you write to Marie Filion, who is the author of the programs, she will send you her Valentine’s Day unit study for free. It is in English/French/Spanish/German/Italian. You can reach her at or

    I also hear they are coming out with The Easy Hebrew. Cool!



    Gracias! We use the Easy Spanish curriculum. I’d like to surprise the kids with a Valentine unit. 

    For those of you who use this program I was wondering…  I”m thinking of purchasing this for my boys.  To use next fall, they are 7 & 8.  Which would you reccomend?  The Level 1 or the Junior?  We are going with Easy Spanish.  I just wasn’t sure, they will be 2nd and 3rd grade next school year. 




    I’ve never heard of this.  Could you post a link or tell me more about how the programs used? Thanks


    What drew me to these are the fact that they are Christian based, and have scripture memorization etc. incorporated into the lessons!


    We were planning on starting French, and was wondering the same thing (my kids are 7 and 4) – Junior or Level 1?  I’m leaning towards Junior after looking at the sample pages.  It said Level 1 was to be used in a more mixed ages homeschool (older and younger kids), while Junior was more for K-3.  It said that Junior had more of a focus on the story and songs, and not on the writing and grammer.  So if my guess is off, and I should be going with Level 1, someone please chime in!

    I was also thinking of going more with the Junior level.  To just focus on that for a couple of years and then move to Level 1, when the boys are more ready for the grammar/writing aspect of the language. 

    But since my older ds would only be 3rd grade for one year I wasn’t sure… what to do, what to do??  LOL   My younger ds is just learning how to read, so I don’t want to overwhelm him with learning how to read Spanish at the same time as learning how to read English.  Or would it not overwhelm/confuse him? 

    See my random thoughts here?  I’m not really sure what to do.  The more I think about it the more I don’t know.


    I know this conversation is kind of old, but I wanted to throw in my experience.  I bought The Easy French Jr. for my K and 1st grader.  So far I’m really liking it.  We’re on week 19 of school, but only week 7 of French, so we obviously need to be more consistant with  The lessons are very, very, easy and quick.  They have written activities for the kids, but I am not letting my children see French written on paper, since they are still so new to reading English.  I had meant to adjust the activities so that they wouldn’t be “seeing” French, but since this is our first year of official school, I decided to only do the audio part and not worry about the extra stuff.  It takes less than 5 minutes to do the lesson.  We all sit on the couch and I play the lesson which is about 1-2 minutes long, then we repeat the vocabulary on another audio track which takes another 1-2 minutes.  On Mondays we color the coloring page that goes with the lesson and the rest of the week we listen to the lesson again.  I plan on going through the Jr level for the next couple years, adding on activities each year.  I’m also teaching both of my older chlidren together.  I am hoping do The Easy Spanish after they good a good grounding in French.  

    The only problem I have with the program is that sometimes I have to hit the pause button to give us time to repeat the word or phrase in French before the English is spoken after it.  Not a big deal, but I am surprised they didn’t catch that problem before publishing it.  They have a discussion board and Marie is friendly and available to answer questions you may have.

    Hope this helps some!


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