I’ve read a lot recently on notebooking and have seen that many people do it different ways. Are people using a mix of bound notebooks, like the composition style notebooks and 3 ring binders, or are they just using one or the other?
I bought a composition notebook for ds8’s nature study book and a bunch of those 3 fastner report covers that hold 50 pages each for his copywork and other work, only to realize that a year’s worth of work is going to be more than 50 pages easily.
I was looking at another CM mom’s site and she has some photos on there and one of them shows a binder with tabs for the different subjects. She just has the kids stick everything in their individual big binders for the year, and I believe at the end of the year she transitions things out into separate binders and then they start over again the next year. She said having one or two binders to be responsible for during the school year is easier on the kids than having to keep up with five or six different binders. Does that sound about right? What are you all doing?
My girls have a language arts notebook in which they place anything pertaining to LA. I usually use a 1.5 to 2″ binder and place dividers inside. They put this together and write on the tabs. There are tabs for copywork, narration (oral or written), dictation exercises, spelling if needed, phonics if needed, paper, grammar if needed. My eldest who is 11 has more dividers and obviously fills hers faster. These are very full by years end. I simply take a few samples of each subject out, place them in a file folder and store away for that school year.
Other than Language Arts, we sometimes need a Science notebook per student, a religious notebook per student, and perhaps a Foreign Language notebook. Basically, we always have a Language Arts binder that is bigger, and then we may have narrower binders for other subjects. I like to get the ones that have a pocket on the front so they can personalize it with a picture they draw.
We also have a very large binder for our Book of Centuries which is ongoing year to year. My girls have a shelf in our homeschool storage room for their own books and I have one for mine. Hope this helps.
“I was looking at another CM mom’s site and she has some photos on there and one of them shows a binder with tabs for the different subjects. She just has the kids stick everything in their individual big binders for the year, and I believe at the end of the year she transitions things out into separate binders and then they start over again the next year. She said having one or two binders to be responsible for during the school year is easier on the kids than having to keep up with five or six different binders.” (krw)
Personally, I agree with having one binder for all subjects, tabbed accordingly. This is our second year doing this (after three school years of individual subject binders/notebooks) and my children LOVE this (and so do I!) – no more searching for the right binder and everthing is in ONE place. It’s nice for me at the end of the year, too. We do have a separate ‘Faith’ binder and my oldest dd also has her Book of Centuries for world history binder and Book of Decades for American history binder. We also make use of an 8-pocket folder for each student, marked with each subject to keep unfinished work in. Once the work is complete (and checked by me), it goes into their subject binder.
I use one big 3 ring binder for all subjects. I have it divided by subjects and I use the plastic pockets to put papers in. By the end of the year, they are very full.
They also have different composition books, that we label with a sharpie, for various subjects. One for Science experiments, nature study, and copy work.
Live2inspire and Vanessa, this was the direction I was leaning towards with the one binder for everything except probably nature study and one or two others to keep things simple. Starting off with the WTM I dived into the binder thing and my poor child was having to keep up with all of these different binders on top of learning the workbox system. Talk about crazy! I quickly pulled back from the binders as they were more of a pain than anything else because there were so many, six I think. Having one mucho binder with tabs makes all the sense in the world to me.
Thank you so much, I can now check off notebooking from my list!