The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady

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  • Titus2mama

    What a find this has been!! It is exactly what it says it is. A lady’s scratch book for a year published. The water colors are so pretty and we are loving the poems and little snippets.

    Been a great encouragement to my girls

    If you library can get it for you through loan you should check it out!


    We have it too, it’s very inspiring!

    Mum In Zion

    You can also get The Diary of an Edwardian Country Lady as an eBook. It looks very beautiful on the iPad. Not as nice as holding the real thing I’m sure, but when you can’t find it else where, this is a very nice substitute.

    I also just discovered on YouTube a series made in 1984 based on this book. Sorry I don’t know how to add a link for it, but if you search in YouTube I’m sure you will find it 🙂

    Blessings, Michelle

    blue j

    Along with that, we also enjoy The Nature Notes of an Edwardian Lady. 🙂



    We will defined look for the nature notes.

    And will search youtube for that series!


    I just started watching the country diary of an Edwardian LAdy – just wanted to warn that about 8 minutes into the first episode, they hold a seance to “talk to” their dead mother and the mother’s “spirit” comes through one of her daughters to communicate.  Not something I would want my children exposed too!  I haven’t watched the rest, so maybe that is the only part and could be easily skipped, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up before they sat down with their kids to watch!


    Laura, thank you so much!!!!!

    My dd was going to watch it later in the day. Sigh, another show to preview

    Mum In Zion

    I’m so sorry. I should have previewed the YouTube video before mentioning it. I was just excited to see it there.

    Has anyone seen more of the episodes? I had the impression Edith Holden was a Christian, so I was surprised to hear about the seance. But maybe I was wrong 🙁




    It is all right!

    I have reccomended so many movies only to have someone say something about it later.

    I will preview these or may just watch them with my girlie and discus what comes up with her


    Lol!!  No problem – we’ve ALL come across something, think it is great, and then get to that part in the movie where we go “oh no.”  Smile 

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