The Child’s Own English Book

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  • Rene

    Has anyone heard of this book or have an opinion on it?

    It was written in 1920

    The Child’s Own English Book

    I hadn’t heard of it, but it looks really great! I would love to have that made into a workbook format. I have been waiting to tackle grammar (we had a few months diversion into Shurley at the beginning of the year, blech)but I thought we would use Analytical Grammar in 6th or 7th, but this looks very friendly.


    I’ve not heard of it either, but I liked the looks of it and may read it to see if we can use it in a few years. Thanks for the reference! If you find it in printed format for sale anywhere, let us know!



    I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure Yesterday’s Classics is getting ready to, or already has, published this title. I want to think it had a March 2009 release date, but I could be remembering wrong. You could check their site:


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