I think that Book 2 would be a better fit for her, but only you know your daughter and her capabilities.
Book 1 is more of an exploration of the numbers through 100. Book 2 includes some review of Book 1, then the student builds each addition table in turn and works addition and subtraction problems that come from that table. Facts from each table are reviewed throughout the book. After several of the addition tables are learned, multi-digit addition/subtraction with carrying/borrowing are introduced formally. In Book 1, the student solves problems with carrying/borrowing but in a more exploratory way. Book 2 also covers the multiplication tables for numbers 2-6 and division based on those tables. Lessons in both books are short and mostly oral with minimal writing for the student.
I would think book 2….book 1 is really ideas of numbers not memorizing facts that is to be in book 2 hth…dying for it to come out! Tired of making up my own. 🙂
We do not have a release date. Book 3 is currently in the review and editing process. SCM likes to double and triple check our resources to ensure quality products with correct answers.
We have Book 2 and are enjoying it just as much as Book 1. A big thank you to Richelle and the SCM team! Your diligence and hard work are much appreciated in our home and we are reaping the benefits!
Due to the unpredictability of production schedules, we don’t do pre-orders. The best way to find out when new products are released is to join our email list or our Simply Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Facebook group (or both).