So, I spent so much time planning and laying out my year, and now it looks only slightly similar to the original outline as far as history and some readers are concerned. We have slowed down, and I have made a change as to our primary history source. We have chosen to spend more time on the Middle Ages before moving on to the Renaissance. Does anyone else find this happens as well?
Yes, ours often has subtle shifts as the year progresses. For example we are just now beginning the American Revolution and the plan had been the start it a month ago. I’m not worried about it. And then you have my 7th grader who finished her semster 1 history reading list in aboout 8 weeks because she loved the books, so she’s been hanging out reading random things for a while. Embrace the freedom homeschooling provides!
We speed up/slow down as needed. On occasion, we delete/change titles. Then, there are times when we add titles to the list. We’ve even been known to scrap a huge chunk because it’s not working and other plans need to be pursued instead. That’s usually when more focused time needs to happen in the area of the 3Rs.
I think I’m out-of-sorts with other areas so this is bothering me more this year. I worked hard to get the schedule set up, took a good bit of time to consider the books, etc. Really looked into everything, and STILL am making changes. The slowing down bit doesn’t bother me as much as the bit with the books. I knew that the Famous Men book would not work for my youngest, but would work for my older one. However, since we changed from SL to SCM with a brief layover at LBC, my older dd did not get as much info as she would have for the middle ages. So now, we are working our way through Dorothy Miller’s Middle Ages together. This was originally supposed to just be for the younger one. Now I’m trying to fly by the seat of my pant and pull FM in where it applies to MA’s, but am finding it more challenging than I initially thought because of the somewhat circular nature of MA. We are looking at various persons up close, but then go to what commerce looked like throughout the time, what the church looked like, etc. Anyone who knows me that flying by the seat of my pants is so far out of my comfort zone that it’s not even in the same zip code as my duckies-in-a-row personality. sigh. Sigh. BFHS.
Maybe I just need to call a December break now and pick it back up in January.
Blue J – HUGS!! I am sorry that you are struggling so much. You did put so much work into this years schedule and to not get to use it as planned would be extremely frustrating!
You have several serious life stressers going on right now. Are you under pressure from laws or something that would dictate your schedule?? If not, set aside some of these other things and just do math, reading with narrations, and scripture study right now. Then take some time to line up those duckies with an adjusted schedule for January. Everyone will feel better, be more settled, and you will be better prepared to deal with school mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Hang in there. The Lord has you cradled in His hands. =) We’ll keep your family in our prayers.
Here’s one more idea, I’m not saying you shouldn’t take an early or extended break if one is in order. By all means hit the pause button on school if needed! But would taking a week or two and concentrating on the flock of quacking history duckies (by finishing what you want to on the Middle Ages) make it any easier when you start back up in January? Sort of like a mini unit study without all the pre-planning? And could your oldest take over the FM readings including matching them up as needed with MA? By using what you already have for history and freeing up the schedule to concentrate on it would eliminate any extra planning and let you “catch up” before Renaissance time period. And are there any fun Middle Ages fiction books you’ve planned that your kids could read or listen to by themselves over break? Please discard the idea if it’s not appropriate, it’s already a busy enough time of year for most families! I will be praying for your family as well.
We started our first 8 weeks wonderfully and these last 4, not so much. Nothing here has been a major life change or issue, but between two cataract surgeries for my mom, ds9 breaking his finger in two places and needing a huge cast and being unable to write, ds9 biting through his tongue, variety of illnesses, a week long visit from my dad and brother, another week long visit from my dad, Thanksgiving, ds4 falling and cutting his forehead to the skull –> 7 stitches – we’re behind. It simply is what it is. I’m just going to pick up and keep going.
I also understand NOT wanting to fly by the seat of your pants. I’m just like you in that I want all my duckies in a row. However, in my case, I know the Lord uses life to make me learn to be more flexible. No suggestions for specifics. Just encouragement.
Thanks, ladies. I’ve read your posts and have pondered them for a bit. Since my state doesn’t put more pressure on me than to have 180 days of school appropriate to their grade level, I’m going to drop back 5 and punt. morgrace, I like the idea for the unplanned mini-unit (is that essentially what I’m doing anyway? ) so today and tomorrow I’m going to go through the remaining bit of MA & the audio files I have pinned and line up my middle ages audios, pick and choose, and finish December out that way. We have FM on audio so oldest dd can list in while working on Christmas crafts and listen to that on her own time, and I’ll have her run that at her own pace, essentially treating it as a reader that doesn’t necessarily match up with where we are. Not my ideal, but it is what it is.
Thank you for your prayers.
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