I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude for all you guys do to make it easy for moms to provide a rich CM education for their children. I could not do it without you all. There is so much to learn and your resources make implementing a CM homeschool easy, even while we are learning. The more I learn each year, the more I see that I have been “doing” CM even before learning the principle. I learn something new, panic and think I need to implement this right away, and then realize I have been doing it all along with your resources. My own learning has just helped reinforce and perfect what I have been doing with your guidance. So grateful for all of your curriculum, but also for all of the free resources you offer to those of us on a tight budget. I spent Easter break agonizing over next year, what to use, what is “better.” I always come back here and breath a sigh of relieve. And wonder why I wasted my break looking around.
Thank you for your note of encouragement Crystal. We are grateful and blessed to know that in some small way, we are able to help you feel peace and ease as you educate your children.
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