Thank you, SCM!

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  • jotawatt

    I just wanted to say thank you to SCM and Sonya Shafer in particular.  Last year I met Sonya at the Teach Them Diligently convention in Spartanburg.  I went to several of her sessions, because I was very interested in learning about CM and how to implement her ideas in our homeschool.  Sonya was very kind and took the time to give me advice about switching over with two of my children already in their high school years.

    Here we are a year later… my biggest problem with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy is that I didn’t discover it sooner!  I have loved using her methods and ideas, and seriously have wished I could go back and re-do my older children’s educations.  I have always homeschooled our 4 children, but this is really the first time it has been like I had once imagined homeschooling to be.  Not that it’s been perfect…but there’s been such a difference.

    My oldest is finishing 11th grade this spring; my next oldest is finishing 10th.  I know I have precious little time left with them.  I am so glad for the living books and living ideas they can feast on now, for the rest of their school years (and hopefully for the rest of their lives!). 

    I hope to encourage some of you others who are starting CM later:  even though this approach is so comparatively new to them, I’ve seen the light bulb come on in all of my children, even the older teens. My 11th grade son has surprised me by developing a passion for American History through the living books of SCM’s Module 5. It is so fun watching him get excited when he tells me about the various battles of the Revolutionary War. 

    Sorry to ramble, but please be encouraged, moms; even if you’re starting later in your children’s school careers, it’s not too late to spread the feast before them!  And thank you, again, Sonya, for your helpful counsel and the excellent materials you offer through SCM.





    I second the thank yous. When I home educated my older kids there was nothing like this available. Now that I am working on round two, I am so thankful I don’t have to reinvent the wheel. SCM resources and the encouragement here are priceless.

    Sonya Shafer

    Thank you so much for the encouraging words! They have bolstered my energy for this final day of the Spartanburg convention this year. Smile

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