As our first term winds down, I am trying to sort out how to do exams. These will be the first for dd7 and I am wondering how it will go.I haven’t been as diligent with pre-reading review and narration as I should have… I’ve been reading old posts and the 2008 blog about exams so most of my questions have been answered. But what subjects do you write exam questions? Lit? What about math tests?
I’m not sure you can expect the amount of detail as shown in the samples in Volume 3 if you haven’t been doing as much pre-reading review and narration all along the way.
Usually I write exam questions for the living books we have been reading and narrating during the term — maybe two or three questions per book. But some of it depends on the book length, of course. Most of our exam questions fall under history, geography, Bible, and science. And you can easily add one for picture study (Which picture of [artist] was your favorite? Why?) or music study or poetry, if you want to.
Math tests seem to fall when they fall during the year, so I don’t try to manuever them to fall during exam weeks.
The main thing with exam week is to put the emphasis on the positive — “Look at what you know now” — rather than on the stressful performance mind-set — “Can you regurgitate all the information I think you should?”
Thank you. That does help. I am still working to understand the narration process. It seems so simple, yet challenging. I’ll probably be searching the forum and blogs for that too! I am so thankful for SCM.