Term 1 exam questions: feedback welcome

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    We have just finished Term 1 with our 7 year old. These are the questions I have to ask her for her first “Exam” this week (some are taken from Module 1, great questions!) I have presented it as her chance to tell what she has learned this year and she seems excited about the opportunity.

    Do you recommend asking one question from each subject per day. I think I read to use the same amount of time I usually use per subject, so maybe just go until the time is up for that subject?

    If she gives me a blank stare, is it acceptable to prompt her with some specific questions? or not really.

    Also when she describes one of the paintings, is she doing this from memory without looking at it at all that day?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Abby’s Year 1, Term 1 Exam Questions:


    Select one of the 4 key events or 4 key people from Genesis and tell me all you can remember about that event or person’s account.

    Recite the books of the Old and New Testament.

    Answer the following Children’s Catechism Questions: Who made you? What else did God make? Why did God make you and all things? Is there more than one true God? How can you glorify God? Why are you to glorify God? What is God? Where is God? Can you see God? In how many persons does this one God exist? Name the persons. Where is God? Can you see God? Does God know all things? Where do you learn how to love and obey God? Who wrote the Bible? Do you have a soul as well as a body? How do you know your soul will last forever? In what condition did God make Adam and Eve?

    Sing your favorite hymn we have learned this year.

    Recite a scripture passage of your choice.


    Tell all that you remember about the river that flows through Egypt.

    Tell all you know about an Egyptian Pyramid.

    Tell me about the first Nomads and how they became farmers.


    Locate the following countries in Africa: Egypt, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Sudan,

    Tell and show me on the map about the places that Louis traveled in “The Trumpet of the Swan.”


    Tell all you know about hummingbirds.

    Tell what you know about pigeons.

    Fine Arts:

    Tell about the composer we studied, Chopin. (What type of instrument did he compose for, where was he from, what did you think of his music?)

    Tell all you know about Claude Monet. (Where was he from? What type of painter was he?)

    Describe in detail one of Claude Monet’s paintings.

    Recite the 2 of the 4 poems you have memorized this term.


    Right Start Level B 9-weeks Test, 2 pages


    Okay, I’m bumping this up. Maybe I should have said, feedback please. ; ) Today I asked her the question, “Tell me all you know about the river that flows through Eypt.” I am going to write her answer below. Should I be concerned? Is this an acceptable answer for a seven year old? I’m thinking we need to do a better job with narration in the next 12 weeks. She also told about Jacob and she got the basic storyline correct, but she mixed up all the names of the people. I did not correct her at all, is that the proper thing to do in an exam? Sorry for all the questions, I’m just very new to this! Thanks in advance!

    “There was a Nile River, and its name was Nile River, and it flowed through Egypt and every year it flooded, there was good soil under where the Nile flooded. so it would wash up on the egyptians farms and that way they didn’t mind that there crops would just flow away b/c its so strong. but then they could plant it again the next year, next month. and the next time it would do it again, and they could plant it again with the good soil so it keeps going over and over again. So they love the nile so they could get food, drink water and lots of things they do with the Nile”


    She knows the importance of the Nile River in the Egyptians life and how it sustains them.  I think that she is doing well.  =)

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