Tell Me More foreign language curriculum?

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  • memomo7

    Has anyone used the Tell Me More computer program for learning a foreign language?  What can you tell me about it?  Do you think it fits the CM style?  Thanks – Raquel

    We have used Tell Me More German for a couple of years now and love it.  I am a fluent German speaker, though I don’t get the chance to use it now I live here, so I use it to keep my skills sharp.  My daughters are both using it for high school and plan on using it for college level as well.  I think a foreign language is a lot like math and science,  hard to get real CM type things for high school, and so I don’t worry about that, I just wanted something that works to cover reading and writing and pronunciation that the girls can work on idependently.  I then talk to them in German and catch any mistakes they are making.  I think it is a great program and we much preferred it to Rosetta Stone, which the girls thought was boring and they looked at Power Glide and thought it childish, and so we recommend it.  The customer service people are fantastic and I cannot think of a better course – though others I am sure love the other programs I mentioned – just did not work for us.  Linda


    What age group is Tell Me More for?? I am using German for Children this year for my 2nd grader and so far it has been exactly what I want, but eventually will need something else as this is only 10 lessons that I am stretching over the year.



    What age group is Tell Me More for??  Is it for the older student??

    I am using the program with my high school age daughters, it is a course than can be geared to many ages, but is excellent for teens.  I have the complete program which goes through college level – the customer service can tell you what would be best for all the different ages. I can only speak to my experience with my older teens.


    Ok, thanks….

    Rachel White

    I contacted the company and they said that their products were for ages 11 and up, except for the English for KIds, which is 4 and up.



    My 15 yr. old daughter and I did not like Tell Me More Spanish.  It’s almost as if we were expected to already know some Spanish.  The CD Rom version that we have is not user friendly and it’s too easy to “cheat”. 

    A lot of programs these days use immersion techniques, which does seem like you need to know some of the language and some people find that frustrating – I have seen it taught both ways, my mother was a German teacher, and she taught without using the immersion technique, which I actually prefer – however nearly all the courses now throw you in and eventually if you stick with it, you will get it.  I don’t know if we have different versions, but I found ours very user friendly and also did not find cheating a problem.  At first my daughters got frustrated with it, but I told them to stick with it, and now they are both doing really well.  Different things work for different people I guess.  I only help them with pronunciation when we talk in German, I do not help them with the lessons – they need to work through those themselves, frustration can happen in any subject and I warned them of that, but I also believe that not everything needs to be easy – they need to learn how to stick with something.  All in all they are enjoying it very much.

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