Tell me about your bible studies or devotion time

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  • Amber

    We are using Genesis through Deutronomy this year and doing daily bible memory verses for module 1. My children are 7 and 2. I would like to do a morning devotion or bible study. I am curious what others do in their families or if they have suggests. I am thinking a prayer, hymn, and bible reading, maybe from Psalms or Proverbs.


    We like to start our day by praying together at the breakfast table, then beginning our school time by singing a hymn or praise song, followed by the recitation of our memory verse. Our first subject of the day everyday is from our history/geo/Bible module, so it ends up flowing very naturally. As your children are quite young, I don’t know that I would do much more than that because you want to keep their attention focused and their hearts and minds engaged.


    I think that sounds perfect!

    We’re not starting Gen. thru Deut. until next year, so our plan is a bit different, but very similar.  Here’s what I’m planning:

    Children’s Bible w/memory verses –3 stories per week…I think I’ll pick one verse each week

    Catechism study –2 days/week (Lord’s Prayer, 10 Commandments, Baptism, etc.)…Our church has a children’s book that covers these.

    Hymns for a Kid’s Heart– learn 2-3 hymns each term

    We have a family devotion before bed as well.  


    We’re not using an SCM Module this year, but this is what I do with my 6, 4, and 2 year olds.

    AM, at breakfast: we pray, go through our memory work (verses and catechism) and sing a hymn.

    PM, at bedtime: we have a family devotions time using the book Long Story Short (Bible reading with a short commentary). DD6 follows along in her own Bible, the two little ones get a coloring sheet pertaining to our story.




    In the morning we do our scripture memory verses, read our devotional with cooresponding bible verses(, and pray together. This fall we are going to have daddy lead bible time at night. This past school year we read during school time, but I really like daddy involved and think it’s important, so we’re going back to that. I’m not sure if we’re just going to read through the bible or follow a particular study.


    I forgot to mention that our family devotional is lead by Daddy each night before bed. I thought you were just asking for what it looks like during school time. In the past we have used Starr Meade’s Training Hearts Teaching Minds, although it was difficult for my then 6yo to stay focused with the rest of the family. That one might not be the best choice for 7yo and 2yo. If you’re not already using it for school, I highly recommend simply reading out of Vos’s Child’s Story Bible if you really feel you need a scheduled devotional time.

    For my 7 yo and 4yo we’ve been reading through the Vos Story Bible that Lindsey mentioned. It really is a gem – one of the best story Bibles I’ve seen. We started at the beginning and are still plugging along. I assume we’ll finish it this year. We also do scripture memory.

    I forgot to mention that there is a Bible portion that goes along with our school curriculum (we use Sonlight) that we also do – it mostly for the older child. But the Vos reading is a family thing and if it came to a choice would be a higher priority than what is scheduled w/the curriculum, if that makes any sense. 🙂

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