My DD3yo will be turning 4yo at the end of June. She will be attending our local Montessori school 2 full days a week this coming year and I would like to use some of the CM Early Years, esp the HABITS during the 3 days she is home with the other children we homeschool. She also wants to read,already. Can I use some of the CM Delightful for 5 year olds with her? thanks.
Yes, you could definetely use the first part of Delightful reading with a 4yo who is showing motivation to read. The first section of the manual that comes with it describes a variety of “pre-reading” activities to do with a preschooler before you begin the formal lessons. (Things like letter/sound recognition, blending together 3 and 4 letter words etc.) I am not using the DR manual, but doing many of these same kinds of actvities with my ds who will also be 4 in June and was keen to be involved in “school” with his older sister. I’ve been meaning to post about how we appraoch preschool on my blog, hopefully I will have time to do that soon. (I’ll try to remember to link back here if/when I do.)
I would say the other really key thing (besides habit training as you said) that you can do with your preschooler is to read, read, read out loud from lovely, well-written books on a variety of topics. Include her as much as she is interested/able with what you are doing with your older students – you will be amazed how much she will pick up.