Teeth – staining and where it might be coming from?

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  • Misty

    Ok ladies – my children have this weird staining on there teeth it is like a charcol black on some and others have more of a green/gray haze. They were at the dentist and he said they all have it.

    i will give you some things we do know: This is new since we moved into our current home 3 years agao, never before did we have this issue. All 6 of our kids have it. They do not drink any pop (at all), and don’t eat foods that would stain.

    The dentist said to check the water. Which was the only common factor in all our children. We are doing that with 4 different sources for the testing, but this is nuts as they all are saying different things about our water. We are waiting on a single specific test that I send to a lab in our state. Maganese is what I am looking for specificly as it can cause staining on teeth.

    Ok – but after really sitting down and going what else could it be if the water thing doesn’t pan out? The only other thing that we did just before we moved into our home was started drinking raw milk. Now don’t go OH>> but we are just trying to really figure this out as it makes my kids teeth look like a old hobo’s. I will be researching it more today, but I am wondeirng if anyone has any other suggestions as to what I could be looking for?

    Thanks for your suggestions.


    My children had this when we lived in the city and had city water. My dentist told

    me it was the water and not to worry as long as they came in regularly for cleanings. Of course, they had a very light gray film that wasn’t obvious.

    Now that we have moved and have a well it isn’t a problem. I do use a Brita filter pitcher for taste reasons.



    Oh, I can’t tell you how glad I am I found your post! This is the first time someone has described exactly what has happened to my children since we bought our house 2 years ago! The dentist and the pediatricians have absolutely no information for me! Did you have a resolution to this problem? Did you find the culprit? We also had our water tested but it was inconclusive.


    Our family drinks raw milk and haven’t had any issues with our teeth. If anything raw milk is suppose to be healing for teeth. It sounds like it might be a water issue. I hope you are able to get some answers!


    My youngest son had to take very high dosages of iron, for severe anemia,for extended periods  when he was first developing his teeth. They had this problem with stains and then began to decay and rot away. It became so severe so quickly that within a couple weeks we noticed the stains and within the first couple months his teeth started to cavity. Then it progressed so very quickly in less than 2 months from the initial stains his teeth decayed and broke and rotted. The dentist had to pull most his teeth due to the iron. The dr never told me this iron would effect his teeth. Only it would save him from blood transfusions or death… he was extremely sick. However the first dentist I went to about the stains dismissed me and my worries and even when he developed cavities said it would be ok. I choose a second opinion.  The pediatrician dentist dismissed the urgency I felt and said all would be well and she would cap them when he turned 2 he was 20 months and scheduled it. When we arrived for the appointment is when she said it was too far gone to save any of them that she should have done it sooner. 😩 doesnt make sense to me why nobody listenes to us moms when we know something is wrong. Trust your instincts. And possibly check for too much iron in the water or in their bodies. Their dr should be able to finger prick for how much iron they have in their blood.


    Flouride? I know flouride will stain teeth and they say the staining is harmless, but I think it is usually brown not black. Maybe your new water supply is highly fluoridated? You can usually get a water report from your local water district.

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