Teenagers and bedtime

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  • csmamma

    I know this is a topic of personal nature but I need some teenager advice from those of you who are seasoned. 🙂

    My oldest ds is only weeks away from turning 13. For the past year or so he has desired to stay up late just to read or have time to himself working on projects, etc. without younger siblings to attend to. We’ve let him stay up one hour later than the rest of us which puts him in bed around 11pm. He’ll still wake up early if I want him to but never seems to want to go to sleep right away at night. I’m just not sure how to handle this and maybe its no big deal for him to have this time to himself. I guess I just miss the days – only a little over a year ago when I would tuck him at night and readaloud & cuddle with him while he would drift off to sleep. 🙁 I don’t like the idea that he is up downstairs in his room all alone while we are upstairs sleeping and then there is no mamma or dad to tuck him in when the lights go out. WOW! Can you tell this is my first teen? What to do, what to do….maybe I’m holding on too tight and having a hard time with him growing up…so fast…

    Any suggestions, thoughts or experiences you would like to share?

    You are all a blessing!

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