teenager chooses own books some I have found very distasteful

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  • I have 5 children and am homeschooling cm style.

    !!!Acually I have been lurking in the shadows here for a year or more and am very thankful for this site!!!

    We go to the library weekly and my older daughters choose about 5 novels each to read and consumes them in just a few days. The problem is that I did not understand till now what is a quality living book(quality being the key word here). I have let them read anything labeled teen or youth. I thought they were sensored. Well, found out from the librarian that teen just means on a higher level. I picked up one of their books(my oldests) and seen sex and foul language in it. So now I am upset to know what kind of filth I have been letting them read.

    My question is, how do I “find” quality(and a good quantity) books for them to

    read and how do I limit them to these books without them feeling I am controlling them. They are teenagers and you know how teenagers like to have their own opinions and control over their decisions.

    By the way my children are 15,14,10,5,and 6. My 15 year old reads on a collage level and my two oldest will come home from the library and you won’t see them the rest of the day–as they are consuming their books.


    What do your children think about the books they are reading? Are they bothered by it or do they say something like, “Yeah, it’s got some bad stuff in it but I just skip that part”? Around here that would mean that they don’t want to give up something and so excuse it.

    You have lots of children; it is not reasonable that you could read absolutely everything they bring in the house. Plus, as you say, you are wanting them to practice making some independent decisions (though 15 may be a little young to be able to be as discerning as you would hope). Therefore, the heart of the child needs to be appealed to.

    As for where to look; this book finder is good. Also, most homeschool catalogs will have suggestions. A child will find a way to read a book that they want to, listen to music that they want to, etc. You do have authority, though, and as such, you can dictate what comes in the house. Believe me, we have Netflix and I’m often clicking the delete button on our queue and saying, “Guys, what were you thinking?!”

    You may want to find some common ground and then require that they alternate between their selection and your selection. My children have found that it makes it easier to get a book approved if they stick to the ones that have the little inspirational stickers on them at the library..but even some of them are not what we’re after. It is hard, I know, but keep up the good work. Your care and concern for your children is such a gift to them; they will rise up and call you blessed.



    One way to control content without having the read the books yourself would be to check when the book was written/published. Older books (pre 1960, perhaps) might be more appropriate.

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