Yesterday our 16yo asked about going to a nearby tech school next year. He taught himself to play guitar, has a nice singing voice and wants to pursue something in the music industry. Apparently the school offers voice, a recording studio, opportunity to learn various instruments, etc. He does well for me at home with the lessons I assign/do with him but I would not say he is especially academically-driven and bound for med school or anything like that. I like that he is driven enough to pursue a passion.
My husband and I both pursued 4-year degrees after high school and are unfamiliar with tech school. I believe that some classes could count for college credit so that could be good if he ends up pursuing a university route.
Please share any thoughts and opinions if anyone has experience with this. Even thoughts on pursuing music careers would be welcome. This is all new territory.
My son has expressed that he would like to marry and have children so I am hopeful that he will be able to support a family on his income when he grows up.