Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calc..how far do we

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    need to get to consider it a credit?  DS is 12th grade.  He is simply a slow worker and is pushing the limits to do a lesson per day.  We also started a bit late.  I was going to have him work most of the book up to where the intro to calculus begins but he will need to keep up the pace of a lesson per day in order to make it happen.

    Being a slow worker, combined with getting stuck at times is proving to be a difficulty.  Some weeks we have only gotten 3 lessons done which throws us behind.  I don’t want to get so wrapped up in getting the book done that we rush the learning part..kwim? He will be going to the community college next fall and pre-calculus is one of the math courses he will need to take for the degree.   I had him take it this year in order to give him a base for the college level course.  So far he’s doing well though.

    So.. with a slow worker counting hours for a credit can be tricky..therefore I prefer to base it on content.

    Advice, thoughts?



    I would think that counting hours would be better for a student who is taking longer to learn the information. It seems more fair to him. Most public school teachers freely admit that they only make it through 2/3’s to 3/4’ths of a traditional textbook so I wouldn’t worry too much about not finishing the complete course.


    Check your state’s homeschool law. In my state (PA) 2/3 of a textbook earns a credit.  I have a slow student too, so he rarely got more than 2/3 through!


    Could he possibly finish up to where you want him to be in the summer?  I have a homeschool friend whose son was a slow worker in math, so they assigned the proper credit on his transcript, gave him his diploma the first week in June as expected, then he just finished the work for that course in July.  Since they knew he would be diligent to complete it, they did not have any qualms about assigning the credit for his senior year.

    On another note, as a parochial school student in the upper elementary years, I always wondered why we never finished our textbooks, and I thought someday the “education police” were going to suddenly appear and take my teachers into custody for that…..LOL!

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