I will soon be teaching a teen girls class and would love any info, input, or websites that would help me teach the dangers of feminism in our culture today. Any suggestions?
As I’ve been seeking God to renew my own miind on this topic, I have found one site in particular that encourages me in teaching my daughters…. joyfully at home. Jasmine Bauchman is a Godly, beautiful, intelligent, encouraging young woman!
Passionate Housewives by Jennie Chancey is excellent, as is So Much More by Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin. These precious young ladies also have a blog called Visionary Daughters.
And I third Jasmine Baucham.
There’s also a wonderful website called Ladies Against Feminism that is rich with resources. It’s run by Jennie Chancey.
Bravo for you for teaching this class to those teens!