Teaching Piano at home – what do you use?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Music & Art Teaching Piano at home – what do you use?

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  • houseofchaos

    We are using Children’s Music Journey from http://www.adventus.com.  We are not a computer game family, but these programs are great.  Piano Suite is also very good, though we haven’t had much opportunity to use it yet.  I second the Faber Piano Adventures over Bastien.



    Does anyone have anything else to add about their experience with these piano programs?


    So apparently,, 2 years ago, I was interested in Simply Music, but hadn’t bought it yet.  Well, we bought it, and LOVE it.  We must have bought it just after I wrote that.  It’s great – we use it from 1st grade on up.  The songs are great.  The kids LOVE it and are begging to do more lessons all the time.  My oldest is seriously considering taking the teacher course when he finishes the DVD course because he enjoys it so much.

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