My daughter is 5 and we have been working on beginning reading skills for awhile now. She wants to learn to read SO badly. I decided that I didn’t want to purchase a curriculum for reading. I found that reading from one of the winnie the Pooh books we found at the library was working for us. Lots of repetition and it was fun and interesting for her. What I did was I would point to each word as I read it. Doing it this way I had to read a bit slower than I usually would. But when I came to a word that she can sound out I would keep my finger there and she would know that she needed to sound it out. As far as the sight words went I would pick a word each day and tell her this is “the” and everytime you see me point to this word you need to say it. So when I came to it I would pause and she would remember the word. We added to the list of sight words so she wasn’t just saying a word because that was the word she was supposed to remember. I also started telling her little phonics tricks such as with the “ee” in bee or see. I told her that when she saw those letters right next to each other they say their name in unison. And I would say “e” in a funny way. She remembered it and now can read those words. She is even picking out some of the smaller words in bigger words such as the in then. That was one of her sight words she learned. Question is, is this the right way? Am I going to cause a problem down the road by doing it this way? Is there something else I should be doing? This is my youngest the others learned to read in public school. So this is a new and scary thing for me..
Sounds like you have an excellent method! Reading together and picking out things she can read sounds like a loving, yet instructive way. There are so many schools of thought on this subject, but if you can teach her in cozy, teachable moments I don’t think there could be a better way.
I also purchased Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. I borrowed it from the library and tried it with her. She loved it so I purchased a used copy. I’m not sure I’m going to use it though. We may keep with the method we have been doing.
I used 100 EZ Lessons, but I only ever made it half way through. My kids did much better with it when they were a little older–sixish or so. If she is loving it then keep using it, but if she is getting a little worn out by it don’t feel that finishing it is the end all. There is no harm in jumping in and out of resources. 🙂
reading came very easy for my oldest and we did some of what you are saying. I did have a phonics program (okay more than one, I buy too much!) but used it more as a guide for me to make sure we were covering all the “phonics rules”. I don’t know if it made much difference to him, he reads very well and has no trouble decoding, but I felt a little better knowing that we had “covered” all the basic sounds. Maybe with the book you have just look at what it is covering and be aware of those type of words to point out to her? Then you won’t feel so bad about buying it – just a thought….
I am in the same boat as you, teaching my 5.5 yr. old dd to read as well! I am also “winging it” without a curriculum, but I have found Ruth Beechick’s “An Easy Start to Reading” pamphlet to be VERY helpful. You can also find a list of top ten phonics rules just by searching the internet. GOOD LUCK!!
I have Ruth Beechick’s pamplets as well. I really like her principals.
I will keep up with 100 easy lessons. I just returned the borrowed copy to the library today and mine came in the mail.. So We are set. The thing that I think is going to help her the most in the 100 easy lessons is the way they have them breakdown a word. like motorcycle into motor and cycle and then they say it fast motorcycle. It’s going to help her with blending. I had no idea how to teach her that concept. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that myself. It’s so obvious.. LOL but I didn’t . Anyhow, she sees it as a game and absolutely loves doing it.
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